Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Exposing the Deception and Lies Behind Yoga

Is yoga innocent? Is yoga simply exercise or relaxation?

Many Christians believe they can practice yoga postures, breathing and focusing techniques devoid of yoga’s spirituality. Not so!

Yoga is an inherent part of Hinduism which teaches man and nature are one with divinity. Once viewed by Christians as pagan; yoga is now quickly becoming mainstream in our culture and also in the church.

Yoga and meditation are two of the most important tools used to access a state of nirvana. The word yoga means to yoke or bind together. The goal of yoga is to blank out the mind, stop all movement of the body, cut off the physical world and thereby attain union with the false god Brahman. By doing this, (what the participant doesn’t know) is that they are opening themselves up to the entrance of demons.

As we go through this teaching, you will learn the tactics the enemy uses to capture your soul and how to get free.

We will address prayers of renunciation to break the control of the enemy and the entanglement he has gained in your life.

Yoga is used in schools, the medical field and even churches. Jesus said, “Come out from among them and be separate “(2 Cor. 6:17a). Verses 14-16 of the same text tells us there can be no harmony between Christ and Belial, no agreement between the temple of God and idols. Yoga is occult and very dangerous to your walk with God.

Now is the hour for us to break free and enter into the glory God has set apart for the church.

Listen to this episode titled Exposing the Deception Behind Yoga, of Setting the Captives Free with Bev Tucker.

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