Wed. Oct 9th, 2024

John Eckhardt: When You Show Up, Heaven Shows Up

Sometimes we don’t realize who we are until the Spirit of God shows us in Scripture. The Bible says of us:

“Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world” (Ps. 19:4, ESV).

The revelation the apostle Paul had concerning this verse—that it refers to the gospel being preached—is to let you know you’re not just anybody. Let me say it this way: When you speak by the Spirit of God, heaven is speaking. Heaven is declaring. Heaven is uttering its voice. Heaven is decreeing. And because heaven rules over all, as we see in Psalm 103:19, then we, as the people of God, walk in authority.

Psalm 103:19 declares: “The Lord has established His throne in heaven, and His kingdom rules over all” (NKJV). In the natural, the heavens rule over the earth. But spiritually, we are the heavens that rule over the earth. It’s time for the people of God to realize we are sitting in heavenly places in Christ. We are the heavens God spoke of, and it is time for heaven’s voice to be heard on the earth. There’s been enough of listening to earth’s voice. It is time for heaven’s voice to be heard, and we are—you are—heaven’s voice.

Speak as God Speaks Through You

When you open your mouth by the Spirit of God, it is not you speaking; it is God. Wherever you go, you need to bring heaven. No matter how much hell the enemy has tried to bring in, when you open your mouth, heaven comes. When you open your mouth by the Spirit of God, the sick get healed, demons come out, miracles happen, and finances are released. When heaven gets involved, no matter how messed up a situation is, things begin to turn around.

The anointing of heaven breaks every yoke. It breaks every barrier. People need that word from heaven. When you open your mouth and stop complaining and begin to prophesy, heaven shows up. Stop talking about how bad it is and begin to open your mouth and declare the word of the Lord.

Know that when you step into someone’s life, heaven shows up. You bring the glory and power of God. You bring heaven’s authority. When you as a child of God show up on the scene, heaven shows up. We read in the Bible that the heavens rule over everything. What that says to me is that no matter how many demons are in a place, when you show up, they have to go.

Have you ever heard somebody say, “My life is a living hell”? Do not agree with that kind of thinking! Declare that you are the heavens and that when you show up, heaven shows up. Sometimes in our desire to empathize and show compassion, we downplay the power that is living inside us. Refuse to let demons of hell run your life. Declare glory, prosperity, anointing, healing, power, joy, salvation, praise, worship, dancing, celebrating, the presence of God, and the Word of God over your life. These are the things of heaven. These are the things that should follow you everywhere you go.

Know Who You Are

It is so important that you get this because the devil will make you think you are just another person down here trying to make it. You aren’t. The kingdom of God, which is heaven, resides in you. The problems we experience so often boil down to the fact that we don’t know our identity in Christ. We don’t know who we are. We don’t know what happens when we open our mouths. We don’t know what happens when we begin to sing about the anointing of God. We don’t understand what’s happening when we prophesy. We can get so used to these spiritual activities that we just take them for granted, and we forget the power we have in our voices.

The devil uses our ignorance and tries to put a muzzle on our mouths. He tries to make us think we can’t say anything, or if we do, it won’t make a difference. But I pray that if you come close to shutting up, you’ll feel like Jeremiah, as if there is fire shut up in your bones.

If I say, “I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name,” his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot” (Jer. 20:9, NIV).

Every person or circumstance that the enemy used to tell you to sit down and not say anything must not have known that you can’t shut up heaven. Those devices of the enemy that tried to limit your voice by communicating that your voice is not important, that you can’t go far, that you are just limited to preaching a small sermon to a small group of people do not know the power of heaven in your voice.

Remember that if you have a mobile phone or other electronic device, you have a platform. You have access to your own “TV program” via Facebook Live, Instagram Live, YouTube, Periscope and other types of social media. There is no reason for you to remain silent when God has put a word in your mouth! {eoa}

Excerpted from Chapter 1 of Activate Heaven by John Eckhardt (Charisma House, 2021).

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