Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Why You Don’t Want to Rush Ahead of God’s Perfect Timing

Do you desire promotion but not the process to get there?

It’s easy as a kid to idolize all types of celebrities and want to be like them. I was very much into basketball when I was in my early teens. I would spend hours outside shooting hoops, pretending to be Michael Jordan sinking the game-winning shot, or Shaq dunking on some helpless fool who had no chance of blocking the shot. I would fantasize about what life was like being a superstar, where you would go, who you would meet, how fans would go crazy at the sight of you.

What most people realize when they try to be like someone else, and what I realized when I tried to be a basketball superstar, is that you can only be who you are, and the steps to get to a place of elevation are not for everyone. It takes an unbelievable amount of grind and hard work, not to mention raw talent.

As Christians, too often we want God to show up in our lives and bring about our desires without putting in the effort. God rewards faithfulness and obedience—and not just faithfulness in doing the things we want to do.

The important thing to ask yourself is this: Where is God calling you to be faithful? Promotion from God may or may not come, and if it does, I believe it always is a result of our faithfulness to where we are called, even if some of the pieces were broken along the way.

Our goal is to be the one to whom Jesus says, “Well done, good and faithful servant!” When we are faithful with what we are given, many times God will bring promotion because He sees we can handle more. But it is important we do not rush it beyond God’s timing, and we should also not expect it if it is not God’s will. God may keep you in a situation for a season, or it may be for the rest of your life. It requires discernment to be able to hear the voice of our heavenly Father, and it requires obedience to act upon the path He is guiding you.

Stay faithful to where you are called. It is better to wait on God than to rush things in your own effort.

In episode 30 of the Everyday Discernment podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network, I interview Adam Weber, author of Love Has a Name. We discuss in detail the process of discernment in order to move in God’s will. Adam says when we use a sledgehammer to open a door that is not in God’s timing, we are then tasked with keeping it open on our own effort. Even if a situation is against our will, it may be in God’s will. God simply requires our yes in order to move in miraculous ways.

This is probably my favorite episode yet, and I can’t wait for you to listen to it! {eoa}

Tim Ferrara grew up in the church and has held various leadership positions during his adult years, including being an elder and chairman of the board of directors. He has a bachelor’s degree in marketing from Arizona State University along with a MBA from the University of Phoenix. He has had a career in business management for over 20 years. Tim loves to teach and does so at his church along with having worked as faculty at two different colleges.

Tim started the ministry of Discerning Dad ( as a way to write and encourage Christians to grow in discernment. Tim lives with his wife, Jamie, and their two children in Arizona.

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