Thu. Oct 10th, 2024

Marilyn Hickey Reveals the Secret of Satan-Proofing Your Home

The home is so important. Your home encompasses your spouse, your children, your parents and your grandchildren. Marilyn Hickey’s book, Satan Proof Your Home, teaches you how to lay a solid foundation for a godly home and also what to speak in your circumstance.

You will reap great blessings when you learn how to use the Word of God in your home. There are divine instructions to set yourself up with godly principles so you can build your house on the rock. Learn how to take your weakness to Him and become strong.

Freedom from Stress, Worry, Anxiety

Are you feeling weary? Are you wondering if your troubles will ever end? Are you wondering if you’ll ever be healed? Well, God has a miracle with your name on it. Consider this, God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because, in it, He rested from all His work.

Genesis 2:3 reveals that man’s first day on the earth involved rest. God wants us to rest in Him and be refreshed. Don’t let stress, worry and anxiety consume your life. Learn on how to come against these strongholds and be free from their destruction.

Soul Winning with LaDonna Osborn

The church was born in a blaze of personal soul winning as the mission of Jesus Christ became the mission of every believer. Do you have a passion for soul winning? LaDonna Osborn does.

From the age of nine months, she traveled the world with her missionary parents T. L. and Daisy Osborn. She updated her father’s book, Soul Winning: How to Share God’s Love and Life in a World of Despair, a book that will empower you to reach outside the walls of the church where Christians have hibernated too long—out of touch with an unconverted world. Jesus needs you to become a soul winner! {eoa}

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