Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

In a Season of Generosity, Are You Stewarding Well?

People have been talking about “wealth transfer” for many years. In the next several days, I am going to be sharing some Scripture to help us expand our understanding of what this may look like and what our responsibility is in the whole process. Let’s start with a verse that many people love to quote: “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just” (Prov. 13:22).

I want to share some clear takeaways from this Scripture in regard to wealth and its transfer. As we embark on our Wealth Transfer Academy, it is not just about you creating wealth but really understanding how to steward it and how to grow it. Here are some points to ponder.

The first part of the verse makes it clear that a “good man,” even without the assistance of the unjust, already has created wealth for his family. It is expected for a just or righteous man/a believer to leave an inheritance for his children’s children. You want to ask yourself an important question right now: If I am over 25 and I died, what would I leave my children’s children? If you have no children, you may question what you would leave your family.

A just man not only works to live, but he works so generations after him can also live. This is why it is important that you build something your kids can not only enjoy but can also build upon. I read the other day how a young Chinese man (21 years old) gained $4 billion overnight when his family gave him 12 shares of their company. Is what you are building right now for yourself and future generations?

In the second part of the verse, the wealth of the sinners is given or transferred to the just or righteous. This is what many people are banking on, but what one must understand is that to receive this transfer, the person must be just, and part of that means building something for generations to come.

The last part simply means “the riches wicked men get are laid up in the purposes of God for good men.” An example of this is how the riches of the Egyptians were given over to the Israelites.

Let’s see what the Bible says about being just. Scripture says, “For to a man who is pleasing before Him, God gives wisdom, knowledge, and joy; but to the sinner He gives the work of gathering and collecting to give him who is pleasing before God. Also this is vanity and chasing the wind” (Eccl. 2:26).

If you are believing God for a wealth transfer, you must ask yourself these questions: Are you just? And are you building something for your children’s children or generations to be impacted by God?

Do you lend to the poor?

Are you pleasing to God?

Are you walking in knowledge, wisdom and happiness?

If not, what are some things you can work on?

For more on this Spirit-filled topic, listen to Ask Doctor Faith on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

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