Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Jonathan Cahn Says This Holy Act Is America’s Only Hope

In his stunning new best-seller The Harbinger II: The Return, Jonathan Cahn warns that America is right now facing the most critical time ever in its history, hanging in the balance between life and death, revival or calamity.

This astonishing sequel reveals that the ancient mystery of timing from the Scriptures—and first laid out in The Harbinger—marked 2020 as the year of shakings. It uncovers even more about the ancient secret that lies behind everything that’s happening today, from the coronavirus and economic collapse, to the division and unrest we see being played out before us.

Cahn says if we don’t respond and rise up to the call of God to return to Him and to His ways, we may pass the point of no return. But he also believes, in spite of everything, there is hope for America and it’s not too late to return to God—if we humble ourselves and pray.

A Critical Time

In a recent interview on Praise on TBN, Cahn told host Erick Stakelbeck that there’s a Scripture in the new book—a call to prayer—that is critical to this present moment in America’s history.

“If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14).

“In The Harbinger II I tell how this Scripture actually changed the course of American history more than once,” Cahn told Stakelbeck. “Once was in the time of Abraham Lincoln, when he called for national prayer.

“Another was about 40 years ago, when Jimmy Carter was president, and it seemed like everything was falling apart in our country, with a troubled economy, the hostages in Iran, and people there (in Iran) chanting death to America. At that time, a group of people gathered in Washington, D.C., to pray, and I was a part of it. I was just a new believer.

“Using 2 Chronicles 7:14 we prayed that the hostages would be released, and we all pointed our hands to the Capitol building and prayed, ‘Lord, put who you want into office there.’ Several months later Ronald Reagan was elected and America began to come back to our biblical values. That same hour, the hostages were released, and everything turned around including the economy. I literally saw a change in history.

“Now we’re in an even more dangerous time, and we need this more than ever,” Cahn continued. “Look at the context of that verse in 2 Chronicles 7. Verse 13 says, ‘When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people.’ In 2020 there have been places with no rain, so there’s been famine and food shortage. And it’s been the year of the greatest plague of locusts in generations. Plus, of course, we’ve had the plague—the worldwide pandemic.

“So, we’ve seen all three,” said Cahn, “and the time is critical—we need to do what that verse calls for. Our nation’s only hope is to repent and pray—to turn back to God.”

That’s why Cahn called for the “The Return: The National and Global Day of Prayer and Repentance.” Millions of Christian leaders and believers came together at the National Mall or via live stream to acknowledge personal and national sin, and to pray for God’s grace, mercy and forgiveness. More than 150 nations participated in nearly 90 languages.

“The one hope America or any nation has is to return to God,” Cahn said. “In the case of ancient Israel, that could take place in sacred gatherings devoted to repentance. Our gathering in Washington, D.C., was a solemn assembly to repent to God and ask for salvation of our country,” said Cahn. “Repentance and revival begins with us.”

The Mystery of an Ancient Hebrew Holy Day

Cahn went on to compare the ancient biblical mystery to today. “What do all these recent events happening together have to do with an ancient Hebrew holy day?” he asked. “Only once before in human history was there a time that people were told to stay in their houses because of a plague passing through the land. That was Israel in Egypt. It never happened again … until 2020.

“In 2020, the people of Israel were again told ‘go into your house and stay there’—and it was on the very day of Passover. But this time it wasn’t just Israel. It was the whole world brought into the mystery. We’ve all been in our homes, and it all exploded at the time of Passover. And it’s all focused on a plague.

“But what’s the point of Passover?” Cahn continued. “The point of Passover is the Lamb. It’s not science. It’s not politics. It’s the Lamb. The Lamb is Jesus. Jesus died on Passover because He’s the Lamb.

“This has been a wake-up call. God is saying, ‘Listen, you have fallen away from the Passover Lamb; you need Him more than ever. You need to come back to Jesus Yeshua. He’s the only hope of America.'”

Time Is Running Out

According to The Harbinger II, all signs are pointing to an ending in the window of time, a period grace, given to America after the shaking of 9/11. “We have grown so deafened to God that He has to shout now,” said Cahn. “America has just gotten worse. We’re at the edge now. More than ever we must be praying, taking this seriously. This is our prophetic moment, now more than ever, and we have to rise to it. If we make the wrong choice, if we choose the wrong way there will be even more shakings.

“I believe the shakings—and more shakings—are not finished,” he continued. “My feeling is that there are dark things coming. But there could be revival in the midst. These are the end times, and things could get bad, but I believe both things can happen at once—persecution and revival. But you can’t have revival or the blessings of God in your life without repentance. Repentance is a great thing.

“After 9/11 we didn’t have any return—we didn’t have repentance. And so, we got worse. It begins with us, with the house of God. We have to say, ‘Lord, I repent from anything in my life that shouldn’t be there.'”

According to Cahn, God is seeking to bring His people back to the beginning, as in the days of Acts. “He’s saying, ‘Listen, guys, I’m calling you back. This is your chance, return to Me, and I will return to you, America. Return to Me, says the Lord.’ It’s America’s only hope.” {eoa}

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