Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Jonathan Cahn Warns of Greater Shakings, Dark Events, if America Doesn’t Turn Back

This has been a year of shakings. In 2020, right before our eyes, we’ve watched as America has been overtaken by a virus, paralyzed by a lockdown, rattled by an economic collapse and shaken by violence and the breakdown of civil order.

Is there an ancient Bible mystery that foreshadowed all these events? And if so, where is this all headed? Will there be even more shakings in our future?

Jonathan Cahn reveals the answers to these questions and more in his long-awaited sequel The Harbinger II: The Return. This stunning new book uncovers not only what has been and what is now taking place in our midst—but also the future—what is to yet to come and how to be ready for it.

What was foretold in Cahn’s first book, The Harbinger, is now coming true—and The Harbinger II further uncovers how the same mystery lies behind the events that are now shaking America: the plague of COVID-19, the economic collapse, the civil disorder, the riots and much more. It even reveals how an exact ancient template determined the timing of the virus and the nation’s shaking.

Revival Is the Answer

As chilling as the future appears, it’s not all bad news. In the latter part of the book, Cahn reveals the one answer and hope to America’s crisis. In a recent interview on The Jim Bakker Show, he shared what he believes God is saying in this crucial hour.

“Now is the time we must return to God,” said Cahn. “I’ve been telling people I believe dark events are coming—but the point is for revival. Without revival, America is lost. But with revival, all things are possible.”

Cahn points to 2 Chronicles 7:14 (ESV) as the pivotal Scripture for this day and time: “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

The verse before that talks about a plague on the land, droughts which cause food shortages and famine and even locusts,” said Cahn. “And we’ve seen all of that in 2020. God is giving us a warning. He’s saying that this is the year; this is the time; we cannot miss it. He’s telling us to return to Him. This is the moment, and I felt it even before this year began.”

Cahn said that people have been asking him to write a sequel for years, but he could not write this book before now. “This book could not be revealed until the right time,” he says. “I’ve been holding back from sharing for eight years. It was only in 2019, several months before 2020 began, that I got an unction from the Lord that I had to write it now.

“The book opens up a prophetic revelation of America’s future,” Cahn said. “It contains things have been waiting for years, mysteries that have never before been revealed … from the beginning, to what has happened since and up to this day. It tells what is behind the mystery, where we are heading and how to get ready. It opens up the revelations of God, the voice of God, the plan of God, where we are and what we need to do. It’s truly for such a time as this.”

Rise Up and Shine!

Cahn noted that much of America is not coming to the Lord but rather moving farther away. “And so I believe, as much as that’s the case, that shaking and judgment are coming,” he said. “But at the same time, I believe that in the midst of that, if we will come before God in prayer and repentance, if we will rise up and be strong, God will hear and heal our land as He promised.

“Everything’s being weakened. The only people who are going to be left standing are the people of God—those who are uncompromised.

“So, God is calling us to do that,” Cahn encouraged. “If we do, God’s going to light us up! He’s going to cause a revival, even in the midst of shaking and people will come to God.

Cahn admits that there will be persecution for Christians. “But if the people of God rise up, others will see Him and will look to Him for an answer!” he said. “If the people of God are bold and proclaiming and standing in prayer and supplication, God is going lift you up. Second Chronicles 16:9 says, ‘the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His.’ God will have you shine!

“One of the words God gave me on 9/11 was from Isaiah 60:1: ‘Arise and shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.’ While darkness covers the nation, God’s glory will rise upon you.”

Our Greatest Hour

Cahn expects that revival will spring up in the midst of the future shakings. “I do believe we’re going to see darkness and light,” he admitted, “but I also believe that God is calling from the Spirit for everybody to start praying. As more people start joining in and praying, battling in warfare, then fires of revival will start.

“I believe this is a crucial prophetic moment,” Cahn concluded, “and this is our chance to rise up for the world. There may be darkness, but if the people of God will rise up and come together in prayer and repentance as never before, this can be our greatest hour! “

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