Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Spirit-Filled Preacher Asks, ‘What in the World Is Going On in Our Churches?’

As Jim Garlow rightly noted when we spoke: “There are approximately 364,000 churches in America: 72%, or 264,000 of them, are liberal, meaning that they really don’t care about the Bible. According to exhaustive surveys, somewhere between 6,000 and 15,000 actually have a bona fide biblical worldview, that is, they see life through the lens of Scripture.”

Did you catch that? Nearly 72%of churches don’t look to the Bible as their final source of authority and direction. No wonder America is crumbling from within—the foundation is deteriorating.

He went on to say, “Bold pastors are nearly extinct. It would be much easier ‘to play church’ and make everyone feel good. The church—as we now know it—will be functionally illegal very soon.” So what in the world is happening? Watch this short clip—it explains what is happening:

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