Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

James Goll: God Has Secrets He Wants to Share

God has secrets He wants to share!

Really? Yes, secrets are waiting to be revealed.

Amos 3:7 tells us, “Surely the Lord God does nothing without revealing His purpose to His servants the prophets.”

Some would have us believe this should read, God does nothingas far as the supernatural goes and especially concerning the voice of God speaking today.

But while we do agree that the canon of scripture is closed, God still speaks today, and the prophetic nature of God is alive and active.

Notice what else this single verse points out:God does nothing unless He first reveals His secret counsel.” Secrets are for the purpose of being revealed. Secrets are to be shared.

The secret counsel of the Lord is to be shared with His intimate servant friends.

With whom do you share your secrets? Do you share everything all at once, or do you reveal your innermost thoughts in parts at a time?

Is trust required? Do you share some now and another piece later? Are there pauseswhen it seems that you need to digest what you have just givenbefore more of the secret is shared?

In fact, over time, you might even learn to dream together with your trusted friends. God does. Oh yes, God does.

What Is the Nature of a Secret?

So what is the nature of a secret?

Proverbs 25:2 gives us more insight where it states, “It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings to search out a matter.”

Kings search out a matter. Are you satisfied to only petition the Lord as a priest, or will you also progress in functional position as a king to search out a matter with your master?

Some things God shares; some things He conceals. Interesting! Sounds like God likes to play hide-and-seek. Is that what you are saying, James Goll?

Yes, that is exactly right! Secrecy is part of God’s very nature.

There are these mysterious prophetic ways of God where He holds something, He reveals something and He shares something. These ways of God sometimes say more about your relational dynamic with the God of secrets than about the information itself.

Secrets are to be shared. God has secrets He wants to share with you!

Are you His servant? Are you His friend? Are you prophetically leaning your ear His way: listening, waiting and watching daily at His doorposts?

How Do You Handle God’s Secrets?

We each have different grace allotments, and we each have different, distinct callings.

When handling prophetic revelation, I first pray it back to God. I ask permission if I am to share it.

After I journal about it in some format, then I ask some basic questions:

—Is this to be shared publicly?

—Do I wait for a confirmation?

—With whom is it to be shared?

—How much of it is to be shared?

—How is it to be shared?

—When is it to be shared?

—Is it only for prayer?

—Is it to be held as a confirmation for another person who is to be the primary voice?

—Am I to submit this counsel to others with whom I am in alignment?

—Are there any additional pieces You want to give me (of which this is only the first installment)?

Now, my intention is not to make this too complex. I am simply providing a template to consider.

Sometimes you have a greenlight to go for it, and you need to because there is an urgency on the word. Actually, that is a good gauge to use.

Ask the Holy Spirit: “Do I have a green, red or yellow light when it comes to the distribution of this God-secret?” (Green means go; red means stop or wait, and yellow means wisdom is needed.)

Sometimes I find that people move too fast with their God-secrets because they have mixed motivations.

They could be trying to build their mailing list or attempting to be the next big hitter on the block. And they might even be tempted to add Hamburger Helper to the word to make it seem bigger and better than it actually is or was.

By the way, helping God out helps no one in the long run.

So first, always respond to revelation with prayer—by dialoguing with the Holy Spirit.

God Has Secrets For You

I really want you to know this.

God has secrets He wants to share with you.

He has special times He wants to spend just with you. He has a seat at His banqueting table with your name reservation right there—just for you. No one can take your place.

God does great things when His prophetic friends listen to His special secrets and wisely act upon those words.

Get ready to lean into God’s heart, hear His secrets and then find out how He wants you to respond.

Because you are a friend of God. Amen and Amen! {eoa}

Dr. James W. Goll is the founder of God Encounters Ministries. He is an international bestselling author, a certified Life Language Coach, an adviser to leaders and ministries and a recording artist. James has traveled around the world ministering in more than fifty nations sharing the love of Jesus, imparting the power of intercession, prophetic ministry, and life in the Spirit. He has recorded numerous classes with corresponding curriculum kits and is the author of more than fifty books, including The Seer, The Prophet, The Discerner, The Lost Art of Intercession and Praying with God’s Heart. James is also the founder of GOLL Ideation LLC, where creativity, consulting, and leadership training come together.

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