Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophecy: Your Redeemer Is Birthing Your Breakthrough

The story of Ruth, the Moabitess, is remarkable on so many levels. It accentuates ever so clearly the providence of God on behalf of those who seek Him in truth.

The Negotiation

In Ruth 4, we see a woman matured into a place where, through gleaning and service, negotiations on her behalf took place at the gate. This brings me to this encouragement: Take heart; God is working behind the scenes. Never let discouragement, doubt, fears or pride slow the hand of the one orchestrating your elevation and breakthrough. By righteousness, a nation will be exalted. And so, by believing in God, we will be exalted at the gate at the proper time.

The ‘Goel’

The purpose of the levirate law was to perpetuate the name of the dead—which was laudable—yet, as it is, God had a far bigger plan. The beginning of this grand plan saw the goel (redeemer) Boaz step in from stage left and, in essence, pay the bride-price for her in place of the one who didn’t want to lose his own inheritance and name. Where one chose to forfeit legacy, the elder saw her value and spoke into her spiritual womb by invoking the names of Leah, Rachel and Tamar. What impartation! Let’s explore these women and their place in the narrative.

The Womb

The women all had some sort of injustice perpetrated against them, notwithstanding their unique backgrounds. Like them, we may have been on the receiving end of acute injustices of all kinds, with dire words spoken over us. Yet negotiations have been made at the cross that have released fresh words of increase and multiplication. Along with these words come directives to glean. The Lord has used this to teach many of us to know His will, humble ourselves and put certain things right. We must remember the power of decisions and negotiations being made behind the scenes for us.


Let’s look at Tamar. Tamar married Er, the son of Judah. We’re not privy to what happened behind the scenes, but the Bible clearly indicates that he was wicked—certainly not a man after God’s own heart.

Just as intimacy in marriage may result in procreation, when the body of Christ comes together, it must be for God’s ultimate purpose. That purpose is to give birth to something holy and effective for our world. To the one who is pure, everything is pure.

Er’s intention in the marriage didn’t align with God’s wonderful mosaic of reproduction and increase. This has been mirrored by many who have perpetrated injustices as they have aligned with movements, marriages, churches, organizations or cliques, not bringing growth, productivity or increase but hurt and trails of broken promises and broken walls. The alignments haven’t produced for the many who have waited with bated breath for something new. As such, many have wallowed in tears, seeking the true God and wondering if He’s actually there.

God Knows

Onan, the one meant to be the kinsman-redeemer, came to defile and destroy. Under false pretenses, he entered into union with Tamar and then denied her of what the law required. What a sad state for one person to be so wronged by two prominent figures! Invariably, the masses would think something must be wrong with Tamar and believe the louder narrative. People tend to believe the lips of those spreading stories that the so-called powerful and known have validated. All this takes place as a part of the forces going against what God intends to be birthed. Intimacy also exposes vulnerability that these figures wouldn’t want to risk being seen.


You may be in that position where you’re crying out, but take heart; God knows what is going on behind the scenes. If God didn’t have this by His providence, He wouldn’t have allowed the horrors of what these two men did to be recorded. That’s how the false alignments work. You’re only good for what they can get out of you but not good enough in their eyes for them to validate you by causing you to carry the purpose of God on the inside.

Right now, the whole of creation is groaning for change. It’s palpable, with many harrowing voices saying, “What about me?” The reality is God doesn’t want us or need us to adopt any false personae to get what is rightfully ours. He doesn’t need us to dress up as spiritual or physical prostitutes, wanting to get even. We need to put on Christ with garments of righteousness, yield and like Ruth, keep gleaning until we get our audience at the feet of the Redeemer ready to intoxicate Him with our wine of adoration.

God’s Womb

What is inside you that needs to come out of your spiritual womb is a special seed that needn’t be handled with defiled mind, hands or man-conjured strategies. The praise that is going to come forth and the breakthrough from your spiritual womb are far bigger than you can think or imagine.

So, I want to encourage everyone reading this to put on your “yet praise,” not a counterfeit praise. Do not manipulate the praise, but rather, praise until something happens. From that place with humility, you’ll find your twins of Perez (which means “breach and burst forth”) and Obed (which means “worshipping and serving”). Your endurance will bring the breakthrough so kings and queens may come to you rising to serve you.

Let’s prepare our spiritual wombs for the authentic and real that carries the next generation.

It’s all meant for your good if you can see it. Stop tracking your seed and start watering it instead. {eoa}

Reverend Betty King is a world-renowned speaker and prophetess. She is a true embodiment of the Father’s love and compassion. Her passion to fulfill God’s call has seen her travel to all the continents, moving in the prophetic, touching and transforming many lives and rekindling hope. She is truly a woman full of love, wisdom, kindness, hope, compassion and grace. Those that follow her example will find themselves in a deeper place with God, positioned to do His will.

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