Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

’23 Minutes in Hell’ Author Shares Life-Changing Encounter With Jesus

God gave me a vision of hell, which I wrote about it in my book, 23 Minutes In Hell. When asked about my experience, I often share the details of what I saw and felt during my time in hell. However, I also had a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. It was an emotional, powerful and transforming meeting I will never forget.

People often ask, “What did Jesus look like?” I can only describe Him as a light like I have never seen. It was the purest, most holy light—His glory. I just saw the outline of a man standing in this bright light. I then immediately passed out. I don’t exactly know what happened. After a time He touched me, and I came to. I was at His feet. It hit me so strongly that if He had not gone to the cross, I would be in that horrible place of torment forever.

You see, God had blocked it from my mind that I was a Christian. He hid that fact from me, and then He placed it back in my mind. It’s difficult to fully grasp the emotion I felt, thinking I was condemned to this horrible place, and then just a second later realizing I am a child of the kingdom of God. I was so grateful. I fell at His feet and said, “Thank You, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus, for saving me. Thank you, Jesus.” I couldn’t stop worshipping Him. I just wanted to thank Him over and over again for saving me out of that place. The King of kings went to the cross so I wouldn’t have to go to hell.

I also felt such a peace. His love is so overwhelming. It’s indescribable. I remember I felt dirty because I was in His presence. He is so perfect and we are not, but He then removed that feeling from me. He didn’t want me to feel uncomfortable in any way. He removed it because He already has with His blood He shed on the cross. I felt such a peace, at home and loved. I felt a love that none of us has ever felt before. That’s how much He loves each one of us who know Him.

I learned what is really important during my time with Jesus. My experience gave me an eternal perspective. This life is short, but He will never forget what we do for Him. It should cause every Christian to want to please God and fulfill His will. Everything we know is going to pass. Jesus said to me, “Many of my people make excuses why they do not witness. They say, ‘I didn’t feel led.'” While we each need to be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, most people actually use that as an excuse because they fear man rather than fearing God.

He wanted me to point people to Scripture, showing them there is an eternal hell. He showed it to me because many churches are not teaching the truth about it. After my time in hell, I realized I’m just a signpost to point people to the Scriptures. There really is a hell, and I was allowed to experience it.

There is much more I can share about my time with Jesus, but I will leave you with His final words to me: He said, “Tell them I am coming very, very soon.” Then He repeated Himself and said it again. “Tell them I am coming very, very soon.” I don’t know what “soon” is to God exactly, but I felt in my heart that He meant it, and it’s not far away. That was 22 years ago. I also believe He has delayed His coming. He delays His coming to give us more opportunity to see people led to salvation. That’s the window we are in right now. We can see the signs, the birth pains. We can see the writing on the wall that we are in the last days.

It’s so important for us to all be about the Father’s business, and to share the gospel with the world.

For more on the importance of keeping others from the place of torment, listen to the 23 Minutes in Hell podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network here. {eoa}

For more information about Bill Wiese and Soul Choice Ministries please visit You can find more of Bill’s teachings at his YouTube channel.

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