Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Jonathan Cahn Reveals ‘The Mystery of the Tower’ That Foreshadows America’s Future

Jonathan Cahn’s electrifying, long-awaited sequel The Harbinger II: The Return, was released on Sept. 1, and it takes up right where his first blockbuster best seller, The Harbinger, left off.

This riveting new book reveals the mystery which began with 9/11 has not stopped, but has continued unfolding on America soil. The ancient harbingers that warn of coming judgment—which were foretold in the first book—have continued to manifest.

The Harbinger II answers the consuming questions that people are asking in today’s turmoil: Is the ancient mystery of the harbinger behind the pandemic, the economic collapse, the disorder that is unfolding before our very eyes? Are these current shakings a sign? Is there more to the mystery? Are we running out of time?

In a recent interview on The Jim Bakker Show, Cahn shed even more light on the biblical signs happening in America today, revealing the mystery of the towers.

Linked to Judgment

“In Hebrew, the word for tower is the word is migdol, which comes from the root word gadal,” said Cahn. “It means to become great, to increase, to be enlarged. It also means pride.

“In the ancient world, ancient civilizations built towers to show how great they were, and those towers would be a symbol of the kingdom itself. The tower of Babel, for example. So there’s a connection between towers and being the greatest.”

Drawing a parallel to modern times, Cahn illuminated the fact that as America rose to greatness as a global power, it started building the greatest towers in the world, the Empire State Building, for example, was built in that time period. Following the biblical pattern, those towers represented the nation itself.

“Then later, we built the World Trade Center,” Cahn continued, “but that was actually at a time when America was going away from God. So here’s where it gets interesting, because in the Bible towers are linked not only to greatness and pride, but they’re also linked to judgment.”

Cahn cited many proofs from the Bible that in a time of judgement, a nation’s towers would come crashing down:

“For the day of the Lord of hosts shall come upon everything proud and lofty, upon everything lifted up—and it shall be brought low” (Isa. 2:12).

“The loftiness of man shall be bowed down, and the haughtiness of men shall be brought low(Isa. 2:17).

“We see this again and again in the Bible,” said Cahn. “Destruction will fall ‘upon every high tower’ [Isa. 2:15]. And on the day of a nation’s judgment her enemies shall break down her towers [Ezek. 26:4]. The prophet Zephaniah warned that it will be on the day of the trumpet and alarm, ‘against the high towers’ [Zephaniah 1:16] a day, said Isaiah, ‘when the towers fall,’ [Isaiah 30:25]. When the high towers fall to the earth, a nation’s judgment is beginning.

“We saw that on 9/11,” Cahn continued. “The sign of the tower—representing America’s greatness and towering preeminence in the world—came crashing down.”

Cahn revealed even more connections from the biblical pattern of judgement. “New York City is known for its towers, but it’s also known as the gate of America,” he said. “In ancient times when they wanted to strengthen their gates against an enemy, they would put a tower at the gate, one on one side and another tower on the other side. So there’d be two towers and they would be identical. They would be twin towers at the gate.

“So when the day of judgment came, the enemy would attack the towers at the gate. On 9/11, we saw this happen to the Twin Towers—the World Trade Center—at the gate, New York City. As in ancient times, in ancient judgment, the enemy attacked the twin towers.”

The Message

So, what is the message—the warning—of the towers? “The fall of America’s towers is like the fall of the towers in the Bible,” said Cahn. “God is saying that He built us up. America became this great tower of a kingdom, of a civilization, but we could only do that with God. If we turn away from Him, we turn away from the foundation on which we stand, and that tower will come crumbling down.

“9/11 was not only an event and a tragedy,” said Cahn, “it was also a foreshadow of what will come. The message is that if our nation does not repent and return to God, America itself—not just a symbol of America as a proud tower—will come crumbling down to the ground.” {eoa}

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