Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophecy: The Lord Says, ‘Tell Them to Be Strong for Battles Yet to Come’

The Lord said, “Tell them to be strong—to not only be strong—but to trust that I am there to give the strength that is needed. That strength is not only for this moment but also for battles yet to come.

“Call forth the warrior’s mindset. The mindset that knows they have been trained and are ready for battle. It is only with the warrior’s perspective the victory is won. However, give a warning—the warrior doesn’t run off alone but listens to the commander. There is a necessity for unity—one may sound the alarm, but many go into the battle.”

Conversations With God Lead to Exposure and Change

Immediately I am reminded of Judges 6. Verse 8 explains that the Lord sent a prophet to talk with the people to give them His Word. It was after the prophet had spoken to the people the Lord sent the angel of the Lord to speak to Gideon:

” Now the angel of the Lord came and sat under the oak tree in Ophrah belonging to Joash the Abiezrite. Gideon his son was threshing wheat in a winepress to hide it from the Midianites” (Judg. 6:11).

Here is Gideon hiding in a winepress to ensure the grain would not be stolen. Many have said he was in great fear for the Midianites were reducing the Israelites to starvation, so death was in the air. However, we need to see that the angel of the Lord came to where Gideon was and just made himself comfortable under the tree. He sat down, he was relaxed and he needed to have a conversation with Gideon.

Heaven’s Sight

When the angel of the Lord looked at Gideon, he didn’t see the weakest or the least. That was how Gideon saw himself. The angel of the Lord saw from a different perspective and greeted him with:

“The Lord is with you, O mighty man of valor” (Judg. 6:12b).

Mighty Hero

The Lord was realigning Gideon’s view of himself and calling him to a different mindset. To do what he was called to do, Gideon’s opinion of himself had to shift to align with God’s. This is not pride or lack of humility. Gideon’s mindset, and his view of himself, needed to align with God’s.

The Lord was essentially saying: “This is a season where you need to turn an ear to Me and listen to what I see in you and join Me in calling it forth.” To do anything less is to walk in sin and not in partnership with what He is doing and about to do.

The angel of the Lord didn’t stop with mighty hero. Gideon needed to keep listening because there was a promise attached to the name that he was being given. That promise:

The Lord Is With You

With where God was calling Gideon into, God knew that Gideon needed to grow in his understanding of God’s presence and power.

The Lord says, “I have not called you to go in alone any more than I called Gideon to go in alone. I make you the same promise. I am with you. I am with you. I am with you. However, to step into that, you have to step up to a new level. You cannot stay in the winepress when I am calling you to the battlefield.”

No Arguments—Receive the Outpouring

Even as we work through this, I can hear the arguments rising. We want to respond with all the reasons why we cannot go into battle. We struggle to pull off the old labels and identities. It can hurt as we pull them off; we can feel raw and vulnerable. Just as God took Gideon through a process to own his identity, He is willing to take us through a process. However, to begin that process, Gideon had to step up out of the winepress, out from his labels, his insecurity and into his destiny. His first steps were shaky, but he began to move.

God says, “It is time for the silent majority to climb out of the winepress with a shout of victory.” The Lord promises He is with us.

There is an outpouring of courage at this moment. Immediately I see people with umbrellas over their heads trying to stay “dry.” However, the Lord says, “I am pouring out strength and courage for this moment. Remove the covering and look to the heavens. It is from the heavenly kingdom where your help comes from. Am I not the Lord God Almighty?”

The Lord said Tell them to be strong—to not only be strong—but to trust that I am there to give the strength that is needed. That strength is not only for this moment but also for battles yet to come. Call forth the warrior’s mindset. The mindset that knows they have been trained and are ready for battle. It is only with the warrior’s perspective the victory is won.”

Prayer and Decree

Heavenly Father, we confess and repent for hiding in our personal winepress. We ask Your forgiveness. Thank You that You love us so much you came to where we are and enter into conversation. We choose today to fully engage in that conversation, without hesitation, without argument. We receive Your identity, Your courage and Your strength. We remove the covering over our heads and look to the heavens. We receive the rain of heaven, for that is where our help comes from.

—We decree and declare we are people of Your strength and courage.

—We decree and declare that as we will not be kept silent.

—We decree and declare that as we open our mouths You will give us the words. {eoa}

Ruth Hendrickson is an ordained pastor, conference speaker, ministry trainer and board-certified biblical counselor who has extensive experience in the development, training and oversight of emotional healing ministry teams, recovery ministries, prophetic ministry, prayer ministries and women’s ministry. In addition, she is a course facilitator for Patricia King Institute and Charisma courses. She writes for Elijah List and Charisma and has a podcast titled Real Truth with Ruth. Ruth is passionate about training, equipping and releasing individuals to walk in freedom and wholeness through both physical and emotional healing.

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