Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Jonathan Cahn: Is America Past the Point of No Return?

In his new blockbuster bestseller, The Harbinger II: The Return, Jonathan Cahn reveals what couldn’t be revealed until this exact time in history.

In his electrifying sequel, Cahn further uncovers a prophetic message about the mystery that lies behind the events now shaking America—the plague of COVID-19, the economic collapse, the civil disorder, the riots and much more. What was foretold in The Harbinger is now coming true—and Cahn’s shares how an ancient biblical template even determined the exact timing of the pandemic and the nation’s shaking.

“I’ve held back on saying some things in this way until now,” says Cahn. “The shakings that have taken place around us that have changed our lives—are they a sign that we’re approaching judgment? Is the mystery that began in The Harbinger now coming to pass? And if so, where is it all heading? How much time do we have? Is there hope? What are the keys we need to know for the days ahead?

The Harbinger II opens up the biblical mystery behind the shakings that are happening around us—what it means for the future of America and the world—and for you and me.”

The Beginning of Judgment

Eight years ago, Cahn wrote in The Harbinger about the ancient template of national judgment that appeared in biblical times before the destruction of a nation.

“In the last days of ancient Israel,” says Cahn, “nine harbingers of warning—prophetic signs—appeared in the land. They were warning of judgment and destruction that would come. Those same nine harbingers have now appeared on American soil.”

The Harbinger revealed that the first sign in the biblical template is that the nation’s hedge of protection is lifted, and an enemy makes a strike on the land. It’s a wake-up call for the nation. That happened in America on Sept. 11, 2001. The book goes on to reveal all nine harbingers than followed that cataclysmic event.

But that wasn’t the end of the mystery, the template or the progression. Instead the signs indicated that the mystery of judgment was just beginning. The Harbinger II unveils more secrets that indicate the mystery has continued all along since 9/11.

“According to the template, what happens next,” says Cahn, “is that a nation under judgement is given a window of time to turn back—a period of grace and relief—in order to come back to God for revival. But if it continues its course in defiance of God, then it is headed to judgment.”

Cahn indicates that the window of time given is a set time—a span of certain years.

Since 9/11,” he says, “America has all the more departed from God and warred against His ways. And that’s just what ancient Israel did. It’s following the same mystery. That would mean that America is heading for judgment.”

Greater Shakings

In the first book, The Harbinger, there is a chapter called “Things to Come,” which speaks of the shakings that will come upon the nation if the nation doesn’t turn back—greater shakings, greater calamities, even shakings that can lead to its destruction.

“We are experiencing the beginning of those shakings right now,” says Cahn. “The Harbinger spoke of the kind of shakings that would come, even though I wrote the book years ago. Near the end of ‘The Harbinger, in a chapter called ‘Things To Come,’ I wrote that these shakings may take the form of economic disintegration—we’ve been experiencing that. Disorder—it’s happening now. Military defeat—not yet, but wait. The division of the nation, the collapse of infrastructure, man-made calamities, calamities of nature—all of these are happening right now, as we watch.”

That chapter in The Harbinger even alludes to the worldwide pandemic. In speaking of the coming of the shakings, it gives the word “crown”—the modern English version of the word corona.

In a chilling comparison of the template and today’s calamities, Cahn points out that the mystery has also foreshadowed a biblical number of judgement that has been revealed. “In The Harbinger the question is asked, “When will the great shakings, or the resuming of the mystery, or judgments begin? How long after that first strike on the land—that warning strike, that enemy attack on the land—until the greater shakings come upon the nation? And a time span is given in the Bible.

“The first strike against the southern kingdom of Israel came in the year 605 B.C.,” Cahn recounts. “Then the greater calamities that led to destruction came in 586 B.C. How long is that span of time? Nineteen years. The destruction came in the 19th year of King Nebuchadnezzar—19 years after the first strike.

“When was the first strike in the case of America? It was 9/11. The year was 2001. So the mystery foretells and pinpoints that the year of shakings will begin in the 19th year. Nineteen years from 2001 is the year 2020. We can see that 2020 is the year that the shakings have come upon the land. For years after writing The Harbinger, I looked at the year 2020 and wondered if the template would manifest in that year, and it has. We are living in the midst of this template of national judgment.

And … the plague is not only called corona, crown, but has another name COVID-19 … the number of judgement.

The Warning

As Cahn outlines in his riveting sequel The Harbinger II—the mystery has continued, and there is every indication that America is racing toward judgement. But Cahn believes there is hope for America:

“I believe we are in a most dangerous time, the days of approaching judgment,” says Cahn. “That’s why, before this year began, I was led to do what I had held off doing for years—to finally write the sequel to The Harbinger. I knew it had to come out this year, to warn God’s people, to warn America of what was actually happening, what was going to happen, how to prepare.

“Myself and others have called for the return to God. It hinges on this verse from 2 Chronicles 7:14:

“If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

“The course of world history has pivoted again and again on that ancient promise, ‘I will … heal their land.’ Everything can be changed by the word and the prayers of God’s people.

“This has never been more needed. There has never been a more critical time than now for the future of America. And if we don’t take this now this seriously, seeking the Lord as never before, we may not have the chance again.” {eoa}

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