Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Pastor Dana Coverstone: ‘The Church Isn’t Ready’

The majority of the church isn’t ready for what is to come.

Pastor Dana Coverstone has been receiving a series of dreams from the Lord for the past 10 months. He believes the messages contained within these dreams are to help prepare God’s people for the upcoming series of events our nation will encounter. I sat down with him to discuss some of his dreams in this week’s podcast.

The book of Acts is a portrait of a church in revival. Every historic revival since then is measured by what transpired in Acts. But the book of Acts is also a picture of God’s people experiencing intense persecution and hardship. They lived under an oppressive regime, and like us, they were surrounded by evil.

Just like early believers, Christians today must prepare to live in both revival and great adversity, perhaps even simultaneously. Many, sadly, are not ready. The American brand of Christianity has not equipped God’s people for what could be on the horizon. Most American Christians believe we are exempt from what the early church, and even persecuted Christians presently living across the ocean, have experienced. We are not.

“Brace yourself,” is the consistent theme throughout Coverstone’s dreams. In our discussion, he explains what he believes “Brace yourself” means as well what Christians should put in place now to prepare for both revival and possible hardship.

Listen to my interview with Pastor Dana Coverstone on this episode of Fire Starter on the Charisma Podcast Network to prepare yourself for what is perhaps on the horizon. {eoa}

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