Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophetic Word: God Is Cultivating a Mordecai and Esther Anointing

The first few days of October, in preparation for a message I was to bring to the Huntington Beach Women’s Aglow Lighthouse, I sought the Lord for a fresh word. What He gave me was powerful and when presented on Oct. 6, the Holy Spirit clearly arrested the hearts and minds of those attending. It was one of the most impactful messages I’ve ever had the privilege to present. Wanting God’s Word to be available to you, I have recrafted it into two parts to be presented on my podcast and offer some highlights here.

Here is the word I heard. Please read it with a discerning heart and mind to determine if it resonates in your spirit for you to act upon.

“Break the curse! Arise and shine, for this is the day—this is the time. I am calling you out, and I am calling you forth. I am speaking to the new spirit I put in you the day you genuinely called out to Me. Listen to Me with your new spirit. Cast off the old man and the mindset of your natural man. When you operate from your natural self, your old nature, you are cooperating with the devil. It is the devil who seeks to keep you down, fearful, immobile and ineffective. I am calling you up to a much higher place than you’ve ever known. Arise, My daughters! Now is the time of the Esther anointing. Arise, My sons! Now is the time for the Mordecai anointing.

“Listen to Me with your new spirit. Close your eyes and focus your mind on Me. I am Jesus, the one who has fully demonstrated My love for you. I gave My life for you. My life now lives within you. You are no longer your own. You’ve been bought with a price. You’ve been bought with My very own blood. My love for you is holy, pure and unending. You have not properly kept your focus on Me. You have allowed your focus to be on what the enemy is doing instead of what I have done.

“What I have done has already completely and utterly defeated the enemy. You must not fear. When you allow fear into your soul, you give the enemy power. Look only to Me. Look at what I have already done. What I have done has eternal impact on all things. Eternal impact means power over the past, power over the present and power over the future. There is nothing the enemy can do to harm you, unless you give him leeway. The enemy has no power over you, unless you focus on him. Choose, willingly choose, deliberately choose, with all your strength to turn your focus on Me and to maintain your focus on Me, regardless of circumstances.

“I am the light of the world. It is My light through you that dispels darkness, that exposes evil and corruption wherever it exists. I have been shining My light on evil and corruption this year like never before in your lifetime. I am calling you forth to be My beacons of light in this dark and dying world. Too many of My people have been in hiding. Some have been hiding because of fear of the enemy and the havoc he’s wrecked on this world. Some have been hiding in preference for the allures of this world and focus on themselves and satisfying their own desires. Others have been in hiding because they are deceived and don’t properly know about Me. I am calling all of you out. All of you who belong to Me, I am calling you out now. I am calling you to come forth—walk into the light and to be the light!

“It is in the light where you will see clearly. It is My light that will purify you. It is in My light that you are completely safe. It is from My light that you must now operate, My sons and daughters. This is the day—this is the time I am calling you out, and I am calling you forth.”

Clearly the Lord is asking you, is asking us all, to hear Him, to step into His light and to be prepared to operate in the victory He has already secured for us.

Read how this prophetic word relates to the Mordecai and Esther anointings by reading Pamela Christian’s blog here. {eoa}

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