Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Dr. Steve Greene’s 5 Things I Heard Last Week

Here are 5 things I heard last week through podcast interviews, reading and research that are worthy to be shared with you:

1. “Why?” is a question that is rarely answered with satisfying words. The words aren’t enough. Last week during a Greenelines podcast, Solomon Mekonnen explained the problem through the experience of Moses as he studied the burning bush.

As Moses came close to the bush and attempted to discover why the bush was burning but not consuming the bush. The Lord cautioned Moses. “He said, ‘Do not approach here. Remove your sandals from off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground'” (Exodus 3:5).

Life’s mysteries are often holy ground. For now, we know in part. It helps me to understand that some things are to be respected as holy ground in this present age.

2. I often think about my thought bubbles. If my thoughts were revealed, like the thoughts of comic book characters, would I be more careful to guard my thoughts? I heard someone say last week that “to harbor grievances is to lessen one’s own character.” Imagine if our thought bubbles revealed what we harbor.

3. The summer might be over, but the adverse effect of the pandemic on marriages continues. Just this October, a D.C.-based law firm has reported an increase in phone call traffic of over 70 percent compared to last year. Most researchers conclude that as we spend more time together it’s not as easy to mask pent-up emotions and feelings.
It’s probably not surprising to note that the divorce rate in Christian marriages is as high as the national divorce rate.

4. As I continued to study Berin Gilfillan’s Pursuing Maturity, I was challenged to consider what my eyes can see right in front of me. We often fail to pursue what is readily available for the asking. Opportunity is not as important as appetite. Are you in relentless pursuit of anything?

5. I heard “Overcomer” last week thanks to my interview with Kim Dolan Leto. It brought back memories of worshipping with this song while I was at Oral Roberts University. Listen to this powerful music by Mandisa. You’ll feel victorious in just a minute! 

If you haven’t downloaded my Growing in Leadership 4-Day challenge on eBook, click here and wait for the pop-up window. Thanks!


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