Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Bill Wiese: Can People Be Saved From Hell?

Every day, we have opportunities to influence someone for eternity. The question is, will we make ourselves available to God? Most of us get caught up and busy in our lives, and that’s understandable. But we forget what matters most: sharing the gospel truth with a dying world. We must think about people who are headed for hell. They need Jesus, and God uses us to tell them.

God has actually entrusted us with His precious Word to share truth with people. God does not want even one person to go to hell, and He uses us as vehicles to get to them. We get busy and forget about it much of the time, and yet this life is going to end. What we do now will count for all eternity.

It’s not about chasing people down, standing on the street corner and passing out tracts. That’s great, and many people are effective doing that. But I mean getting up each day and looking for opportunities to share the love of God with people. When you spend time in prayer say, “God, use me. Put me in front of somebody that I can influence and share hope with today. I’m available.” If you have that heart and that attitude, God will use you to reach someone He can’t use anybody else to reach. We’re all unique and have the ability to connect with people in different ways.

Each of us has the power of Christ, the power of God and the power of the Holy Spirit within us. God equips us with all of this power to reach people with the message of salvation.

When you realize how horrible hell really is, you will have an urgency to share the gospel. You are backed by all of heaven and all of God’s power to save someone from hell!

For more on how the Lord can use us to bring others to Him, listen to the full episode of 23 Minutes in Hell with Bill Wiese on the Charisma Podcast Network here. {eoa}

For more information about Bill Wiese and Soul Choice Ministries please visit us at You can find more of Bill’s teachings at his YouTube channel.

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