Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

How This Woman Brings Inner Renewal to Those Who Need It Most

Every life has a measure of pain in it, some far more than others. The difficult experiences we encounter, whether caused by others or by our own actions, can leave wounds in our souls. These soul “scars” distort how we see the world.

The good news is, though, that even if challenges and wounds may not be avoidable, they can be healed.

Jesus is the answer to every scar, every broken place in us. He absolutely can mend what has been damaged. He bought our healing on the cross. Once our lives are transformed, we then have the opportunity to turn and give a hand to the next struggler “behind” us. What once wounded us then becomes a source of wisdom and empathy as we help others.

Dr. Barbara Lowe is such a healer. Her life is devoted to bringing inner renewal to women. A licensed psychologist, lay minister, national speaker, educator and life coach, Dr. Barbara ministers to women around the world. Speaking about this healing on her website, she says, “Whatever form the fire in a woman’s life has taken—loss, trauma, deep disappointment, rejection or neglect—I fully believe in her ability to rise through the ashes and be reborn.”

Having gone through her own pain and abuse while growing up, she is open about those experiences and all she has learned because of them. She also is honest about her own continued growth areas, which helps others be authentic too.

“I am a miracle in the making, a work in progress,” she says, as we all are under God’s hand.

When asked about the needs with which women present in her counseling practice, Dr. Barbara cites a shocking statistic that 1 out of 3 women have been raped, molested or abused. And when there is deep trauma that needs to be healed, people may also have “presenting” problems more on the surface—ways in which they’ve learned to cope, addiction or eating disorders, for example. Healing becomes a matter of dealing with each layer until the deepest root of pain is touched and removed by God.

“I help women reconstruct their heart homes into places of safety, belonging, confidence and joy as they fulfill their life purposes, finally unhindered,” Dr. Barbara says.

For more on healing soul wounds and trauma and of freedom and deliverance found in Jesus, listen to this episode of Rooted by the Stream on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

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