Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

‘Trump 2024’ Film a Must-See Before You Head to the Polls

While the nation is focused on the election, there is a new documentary you must see. It’s called Trump 2024: The World After Trump, and it’s perhaps the best Trump documentary I’ve seen.

I knew about the documentary through my longtime friend Paul Crouch Jr., who was the producer and director of photography. He knew I was writing God, Trump and the 2020 Election at the time. He knew I was a strong supporter of the president, so a year ago, he interviewed me for the documentary—one of 24 leaders. Of course, I was eager to see how it came out. It exceeded my expectations. And it’s not because I have a small part.

A documentary is a very different medium than print, but the object of making the case for voting for Trump is the same. I’ve now written four books on Trump totaling 400,000 words, so I was eager to see how the producers told the same story. The result reminded me of Dinesh D’Souza’s 2016: Obama’s America.

Modern documentaries seem to include a little animation, interspersed with interviews with “people on the street” and mixed with interviews with experts like Gov. Mike Huckabee, Robert Jeffress and Paula White Cain. I interviewed those people too. In fact, most of the “experts” were in my book God, Trump and the 2020 Election.

The documentary is well edited with fast and powerful footage showing reaction to the president by some of his critics and clips of some of the violence propagated by the left. Of course, it’s pro-Trump, but the style seemed even-handed. It seemed factual, not political propaganda.

It was more a commentary on the state of the country rather than bashing Joe Biden or Democrats. To me, it made a strong case for how God has used Donald Trump, even though it dealt candidly with some of his “rough language” or blunt tweets.

It answers the question of how a voter can rationalize voting for someone less than perfect. Part of the film reveals alternative views of the future, answering the question of what America will be like in 2024 if Biden is elected or what it will look like if the president is re-elected. It’s the same point I’ve tried to make in my books on Trump.

There’s a limit to what I can describe in a short article. It’s better to watch the trailer. Instantly, you’ll understand why I believe it’s so well done.

And since it’s not been released in theaters, you will need to find it on this website, where you will be able to rent the film or purchase a digital or DVD copy at a 20% discount.

I rented a copy to watch with my wife, even though I’d seen an earlier screening for the media. It’s worth watching twice. If you have family or friends who are not persuaded on the importance of voting for the president, compel them to watch it. I believe it will change minds.

If you are an enthusiastic supporter of the president, I believe this will make you even more passionate about getting out the vote. With a race this close, we each must do our part. I wrote God, Trump and the 2020 Election as I started a podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network by the same name as my contribution to the effort.

Now that Trump 2024 has been released, I know many of the people that are behind the film, and I know their motivation mirrored mine. We need to support that effort and do our part to get out the word and urge hundreds of thousands—perhaps millions—to watch it.

This documentary deserves to go viral! {eoa}

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