Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophet: How to Grow in Greater Intimacy With Holy Spirit

James Goll is a firm believer in Matthew 25:14-30, “the Parable of the Talents,” where a servant was rewarded for being faithful with a small amount given to him.

That’s why Goll, an author, modern-day prophet and the founder of God Encounters Ministries, says every believer should keep a daily journal. Though it may not seem like much of a kingdom duty, Goll says it’s a great way to grow in greater intimacy with the Holy Spirit. And, in turn, it will help you in the larger kingdom tasks to which God has called you.

“If you’re faithful with little, God will make it into much,” Goll told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “The church is reawakening to the fact that God does still speak today and He desires to have a relationship with His people.

“Journaling is a historically tried and trusted tool used to receive, retain and properly steward the voice of God,” Goll said. “So I want to encourage you that it is a tool for retaining the impressions that you gave expression to. And it’s a way that the Holy Spirit will bring it to your remembrance. He’s speaking to you.

“One of the great tools of increase is by journaling,” he said. “So, maybe start once a week, make it practical, try to make it consistent, and you will become closer to God. You will be able to look back on your journey and learn from life’s lessons, and you will have something to reflect upon and see that a calling is confirmed. You will also, over time, have a lineage to pass on to others.”

For more on how journaling can bring you closer to God, listen to the rest of this podcast. And tune in to James Goll’s podcast, God Encounters Today, on the Charisma Podcast Network. {eoa}

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