Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: Election Season Is a Reprieve

Before the 2016 elections in the United States, I published a prophetic word on my website that was later published on other prophetic platforms. I wrote that the Lord had shown me that Donald Trump would win the election, and He gave me a single word that would characterize the next decade ahead, and possibly even longer. The word was “reprieve.”

I shared:

At first, I thought the word “reprieve” simply meant a break, and was very surprised by the definition, its gravity and its significance! Reprieve means: “to delay impending judgment, to relieve temporarily from evil; a respite and a warrant authorizing the delay.” One of the definitions of the word “warrant” is: “something as considered being the positive assurance of a thing.” I believe Donald Trump’s presidency is God’s warrant—a positive assurance of a far-reaching reprieve!

As I contemplated the idea of a reprieve, and with an urgency from the Lord to understand His desires, a question began to form in my spirit: “Lord, if in Your mercy we have been granted a reprieve—a window of time, what does that mean to how we must now live and function during this season? What kind of Christian will this day demand?” As I have pondered these questions, I believe I have been given some insight into God’s heart for the days ahead.

The election season in the United States has been the trigger that has mobilized the global body of Christ to rise up in boldness with unified focus on an offensive such as has not been seen for a very long time! The word of the Lord now ringing in my spirit for the season ahead is this: “Do not lose the momentum you have gained! Do not stop! Do not slacken the pace. Stay on the offensive; take the war into the enemy’s camp and break through the enemy’s defenses.”

God’s desire is that within the sphere and the boundaries He has given each of us, we would rise up as a unified army to rule and reign with Him as co-heirs of His kingdom, and as a force that takes back, holds and occupies the ground that He gives!

Over the past four years, I am not so sure that we have fully understood this. We are presently in the midst of this reprieve—a slot of time to get the job done, very much connected to God’s work through Donald J. Trump in relation to Israel, empowering the church, the appointment of judges, to abortion, the annihilation of human trafficking and pedophilia that is becoming rampant. The enemy’s chief aim is to gain power over the world, to annihilate Israel and prevent the theocratic rule of God on earth from becoming established in Jerusalem, Israel: “The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from Jerusalem” (Isa. 2:3b, AMP). Israel is the reason the Trump presidency is vital, and why I am certain that he will win again.”

Listen to the full episode from The Sound of the Trumpet podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network here. {eoa}

Faith Marie Baczko is presently the president of Headstone International Ministries and Headstone Academy. Faith is a prophetic teacher, bringing significant revelation to mobilize, equip and strengthen the body of Christ for this momentous hour of history. Visit her website here.

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