Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

How Donald Trump Has Become a ‘Bulldozer’ to His Critics

If Donald Trump were to find the cure for cancer tomorrow, his critics would accuse him of putting doctors out of work. They would use the full media apparatus to try and discredit his announcement and label him and his groundbreaking discovery fraudulent. They would tell people not to get the treatment, go on a full media blitz about why it is so “dangerous” and do their best to put fear into the hearts and minds of innocent Americans who truly need the help.

We know this because if the president were to get positive coverage of the very successful and monumental achievements of his first term in office, he most likely would have the highest approval ratings of any president in recent history. Just look at the crowds he was able to attract when he was having his rallies. Even with the media spin, many Americans are waking up to the extreme bias.

Never have we seen the mainstream corporate media so united against anyone in our lifetime—especially a president. I remember in the anti-Vietnam War era the intense hatred toward Richard Nixon. Since then former presidents Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Clinton and George W. Bush have had their challenges with the press, but nothing like this.

Why the hatred of Trump? It must be that Trump is onto something; otherwise why would the six corporations that control 90% of the mainstream media (including Fox News) be so united in their attempt to take this man down? Their efforts are tireless—even relentless. They also attempt to wear down those who support the president.

In the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen that same media apparatus continue with its vicious and daily attacks. Think about what Trump has had to endure. The same week Democrats were trying to impeach him, he banned travel from China to the United States when it became clear that the pneumonia-like virus that, as late as January 14, the Chinese said could not be transmitted from human to human, was getting out of hand. In typical nature the Left continued with its usual accusations, screaming that he was “xenophobic.”

The truth is, the president has shown tremendous leadership in all of this. His quick action in implementing the travel ban from China on January 31, and then from Europe in mid-March, probably saved hundreds of thousands of lives. As bad as the coronavirus is and as many lives as it has taken, it would have been far worse had he not acted so quickly.

The good news for Trump is that people don’t forget easily, and there is an army of social media influencers who show the Democrats’ own words over and over again to those who may have forgotten. There is nothing more convincing than simply replaying leftists’ own interviews and clips on social media so people can see just how hypocritical they are. That’s because in the facts war, Trump wins hands down. That is one reason the socialist and Deep State opposition are so afraid.

The Left is especially fearful because of the great gains Trump already brought to our economy. Even secular observers such as Dr. Michael Busler, professor of finance at Stockton University, agreed in a Townhall op-ed that President Trump’s achievements are truly remarkable.

Busler observes that when Trump was elected in 2016, the nation was in a ten-year economic slump averaging only 2% growth—the first time in history the economy did not hit 3% growth in a decade. That led to poor employment prospects and stagnant wages, which led to resentment, causing some citizens to embrace socialism and reject capitalism. “The country was headed in an un-American direction,” Busler wrote.

But then Trump came along. His “Make America Great Again” mantra emphasized a return to prosperity. His policies made the economy boom, and he also rebuilt the military and adopted a foreign policy of “peace through strength.”

Busler concluded: “History will note that Donald Trump was remarkable. In spite of more than 90 percent of media coverage of him being negative, in spite of every Democrat consistently opposing anything he wants to do and in spite of some members of his own party being against him, he has managed to change the direction of the country.”

Regardless of the relentless attacks, this president is like a bulldozer. He may be the only person I can think of who could have taken such a daily beating and yet continue to win, pushing back against the nefarious agenda and those who seek to destroy him and our country. This is most likely why God chose him to lead us through this very significant time in history as we battle for the very future of our country. {eoa}

This article was excerpted from Chapter 5 of God, Trump and COVID-19 (Charisma House 2020).

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