Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Prophetic Word: God Wants You to Stand in New Courage and Faith

Saints, we have come through a season that has pressed us on many sides. By the grace of God, however, we have also seen how to live more fully in the freedom we have in Christ, and have learned to walk more deeply in the principles that will unlock destiny and advancement. One of these is the principle of discretion.

The Spirit of Herod

Discretion is needed desperately at a time of breakthrough and acceleration. In Acts 12 an old foe, the spirit of Herod, rose up once again to cause trouble and consternation for the body of Christ. This demonic, governmental spirit tends to rear its ugly head at times of great transition and during key moves of God.

It had risen up previously at the birth of Jesus, seizing an opportunity it gained when the magi from the East lacked discretion and provided information to the wrong person, Herod the Great. At that time, it was bloodthirsty and looked to devour the life of our Lord. Unsatisfied, it then resurfaced in one of Herod the Great’s descendants, Herod Agrippa, during the early stages of the formation of the Church. This time, it sought the blood of the Apostles. Having already shed the blood of James, one of the apostolic fathers of the Church, it then went after apostle Peter during the “Days of Unleavened Bread.” Peter was placed in a prison to be held until a time of execution, while the Church interceded for his life. Although they prayed sincerely, when Peter was released miraculously by the angel they struggled to believe it.

I believe that the current pandemic is being used by God, as was the capturing of the apostle, to refine our faith and to see if we really believe all of the prayers and pronouncements that have come from the mouth of the Church over the years and decades. He is using it to weed out shallow words, messages and even ministries. Only those things that are built and established in faith on His unchangeable, inerrant and truth-filled Word will be preserved.

With Peter imprisoned, Herod was ravenous and eager to create a spectacle by taking out a high-profile apostle at a key time on the calendar. He went all out to secure his plan, not only imprisoning Peter, but guarding him with four squads of soldiers. The Herodian spirit was looking to halt the Church from pursuing her upward trajectory of societal transformation and revival. However, although it may have seemed like a powerful distraction, the Church responded correctly by doing what it should always do and entering the position of unceasing prayer. It was this very posture that crushed the strength of the Herodian spirit. Saints, prayer works! When unceasing, strategic prayers go up before the Father, He will release His angelic hosts to bring about deliverance and breakthrough.

Preparation, Readiness and Discretion

When the angel came to Peter, he gave him instructions that at first glance seemed to be the wrong way around, telling him to first put on his shoes and then his clothing. However, there is meaning to this. Ephesians 6:15 tells us that shoes represent our preparation and readiness in the gospel for standing against the plans of the enemy. When you are standing in the Word and truth of God, you will know how to tread carefully to outmaneuver the enemy, escape the traps of familiar spirits and break ancient cycles of destruction. You will know how to move discretely without arousing the suspicion of monitoring spirits that have been set to watch over your progress, and without unnecessarily giving away information that will be used by people with ungodly agendas to fuel a political spirit in your environment.

Breakthrough requires us to heed God’s word for now, and not simply stick to the habits and routines that we’re comfortable and familiar with. Heaven’s plans are not built around our familiar ways, and so we need to be alert and alive to what God is doing today so that we can receive the keys we need to break out of our limitations and break through. Peter was someone that liked to talk, but in this situation, he had to listen as his own words weren’t going to get him anywhere. There is a time when the Church needs to listen and not assume that it knows what God is going to say, or that He will give us the same instructions as before. We need to be wise enough to work with what God is using to deliver us right now.

Have Courage

Know that the enemy will make it look like it is nearly impossible to escape. He’ll make it look as though prayer is futile. He’ll make it seem like foolishness to believe that God has a way. He’ll try to take away your courage and bring your spirit into bondage. Peter represented the boldness of the Church and Herod’s plan was to kill him to crush the confidence of the body of Christ. Nonetheless, as you hold prayerfully to the truth of His written and spoken word, He will lead you along new and unfamiliar paths and into His new way of doing things in these uncertain times, and you will come out in a place of great deliverance, breakthrough and joy.

Be willing to let go of the false comforts and old garments that won’t adorn you appropriately for your place of breakthrough. Allow Him to increase your faith and trust as He steps into your place of limitation to break the chains, remove snares and dust off the cob webs.

In Isaiah 43:19 He says, “behold I am doing a new thing.” It takes attentiveness to His Word and to His new ways to break ancient cycles and patterns. It takes being fully willing to be challenged unto a “better way” to enter into the better days ahead. {eoa}

Reverend Betty King is a world-renowned speaker and prophetess. She is a true embodiment of the Father’s love and compassion. Her passion to fulfill God’s call has seen her travel to all the continents, moving in the prophetic, touching and transforming many lives and rekindling hope. She is truly a woman full of love, wisdom, kindness, hope, compassion and grace. Those that follow her example will find themselves in a deeper place with God, positioned to do His will.

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