Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: This Is the Hour for Nehemiahs to Arise

The Lord recently began to speak to me about the anointing and grace that is on the people of God to build in this season. As the Lord spoke to me about this building season, I sensed strongly that this is an hour for the Nehemiahs to arise!

Those who will be courageous and bold enough to build even in difficulty and opposition. God is looking for those who will stand up, just like Nehemiah did and build for the kingdom of God in this critical season!

God called Nehemiah to leave the foreign land where he had been serving a king and go back to rebuild the wall of his own city. Even though Nehemiah had found favor in the sight of the foreign king he served, God called Nehemiah out.

When Nehemiah arrived back in his homeland, Jerusalem, he found the city in ruins and the walls of Jerusalem broken down. The rocks he needed to use for the wall were scorched and everything around him looked like it was utterly destroyed, maybe even beyond repair.

However, just as He did with Nehemiah, God is calling those who will build despite what it may look like now. Whatever God has called you to build, don’t be intimidated by what it may look like when you begin. Don’t despise the day of small beginnings; begin to build and watch God establish your work in this season! There is a special building anointing on the sons and daughters of God.

Just as God called Nehemiah, God is calling many to build for the kingdom of God. God may call you to build a ministry, business, a house of prayer, a charity or a network. Whatever it is God has called you to build, don’t let anything stop you!

The more progress and momentum Nehemiah and his team gained, the more the opposition grew. As they kept building, Sanballat and Tobiah began to come against them, plotting to stop them from finishing the walls of the city. Pay no attention to those that may try to oppose you and what you are building for the kingdom of God. Now more than ever, it is important for each of us to stay extremely focused so that we can each do everything God is calling us to do.

Leaders who think they have regional authority may come against you to try to stop you from building what God has called you. Do not listen to your critics or opposers! Don’t allow those who oppose you to keep you from building what God has called you to build, especially in this season. Stay focused; don’t put down your sword or your tools helping you to build and refuse to give critics or religious leaders your time or energy. Stay on your wall, Nehemiah, and keep building for the kingdom of God!

I truly believe this is a crucial prophetic season for the body of Christ. This is a building season, a season for the Nehemiahs to fight and build at the same time.

Nehemiah, build what God has placed in your heart. Don’t come down off of your wall for anything or anyone! God is with you, and God will shut the mouth of those who oppose you. It’s a Nehemiah time. {eoa}

Joe Joe Dawson is the founder and apostle of Roar Apostolic Network and Roar Church Texarkana. Joe Joe is married to the love of his life, Autumn Dawson, and the Dawson’s teach a lifestyle of revival and awakening.

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