Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How You Can Learn to Step Out in Faith and Follow Hard After God

Los Angeles-based worship leader and songwriter Michelle Lutz battled infertility for years and struggled to see how the Lord had His hand in her story. Since then, she has learned to see how hearing God’s voice has made a key mark in every season of her life. Join host Shawn Bolz on this episode of Exploring the Prophetic on the Charisma Podcast Network to listen to her beautiful testimony of perseverance, seasons of transitions and the dreams the Lord put on her heart.

Lutz recalls how, when she was feeling anxious in a season of transition, God said to her, “Michelle, it’s not what you’re leaving. It’s where you’re going.” And looking back, Lutz says she really sees that promise play out over her journey of discovering how to more fully follow after His presence.

At a time when she felt the Lord calling her to give up the community at her church, Lutz says, “I knew it was the Lord inviting me into this leap with Him and follow Him wherever He was leading me to go.”

Bolz comments, “What I love about your journey is that you were brave enough to go even when you weren’t sure what it would look like.”

For more inspiration on how you can step out in faith and more fully follow after God, listen to the full episode here. {eoa}

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