Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How to Tell if Your Relationship With God Is in Danger

It’s no secret that relationships take hard work. They may be the most rewarding endeavor ever undertaken. In the same way, our relationship with God may grow stale if are not actively pursuing it. Join Pamela Christian on this episode of the Faith to Live By podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network to uncover the knowledge of what makes a good relationship with the Lord.

Christian has learned that “relationships require nurture to remain alive and productive.” She says, “Any relationship that is ignored or simply passively attended, will grow cold. If we really want revival and to see God at work in our midst; If we really want to do the greater work that Jesus said we could do, we must first examine our own heart and our relationship with God.”

Christian compares our relationship with God to the most holy earthly relationship we can have: marriage. She says, “There are many marriages where one person is more committed to the relationship than the other.” She says the same can happen with us in our relationship with God. “But since He’s perfect, I’m confident He’s got His part of the relationship right. If there’s anything lacking, we’ve got to look for it within our own hearts.”

Once we’ve done that, we can begin to understand what God truly desires for us. In essence, Christian says we are practicing “effective faith.” She says it “originates with proper knowledge of who we are, who God is and a proper awareness about His character, His will and His intention for all of creation.”

Are you practicing effective faith, or have you let your conviction grow cold? If you feel your relationship with God may be in trouble, listen to the full podcast here to unlock the keys to revival. {eoa}

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