Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Why the Church Must ‘Bring Heaven to Earth’ Right Away

The Bible says the church is “the ecclesia—the assembled believers who need to impact the world.”

Many Christians don’t seem to know this. They think of the church as a place to attend services. As the election approaches in about 85 days, it’s critically important that the church shift the spiritual atmosphere in this country.

This is what my longtime friend, Ed Silvoso, founder of Transform Our World, told me in a recent podcast. The church is to bring heaven to earth. It’s to transform society. It’s to overcome evil by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony.

In our country’s current environment of contentiousness, especially as we move toward the election, it seems the lines are drawn between Republicans and Democrats, but the real problem lies in the spiritual dimension. Ed says even Jesus could not perform miracles when the atmosphere was not right.

Ed is well known for calling the church to be the ecclesia and to transform society through his many books and his Transform Our World network ,which includes more than 7,000 people around the world who are influencers, mostly pastors and business leaders.

He’s trying to communicate that we must capture the middle ground. Ed concludes the podcast with powerful prayer after reminding all of us that no matter what side we’re on, we should remember to pray for the other side. At the same time, he believes Christians must vote, and they must vote their values.

His analysis is a little different than what you get from the secular media and even the Christian media, who are often very strident in terms of policies and attacking those who seem to be against Christian values. I believe my podcast with Ed provides a word the church must consider.

I urge you to listen to it and to share it with friends. I also encourage you to be sure to vote in this fall’s election. As most readers know, I have written several books dealing with the election, especially as it concerns Donald Trump. My latest book, God, Trump and Covid-19, is about how the pandemic is affecting Christians, the world and the 2020 election. That’s not the point of my podcast nor of this article, but I believe it’s an important word because I deal with the spiritual dimension that Ed Silvoso talked about.

My book, God, Trump and the 2020 Election, which came out in January, also deals with the issues in this election from the spiritual dimension. All believers must know about this, and I urge you to read both books and to share them. The best way to get them is through {eoa}

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