Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Black Lives Matter Beliefs, Agenda Exposed

Black Lives Matter’s shocking beliefs and agenda have now been exposed. Taken directly from the organization’s website, here are a few of the disturbing beliefs we are discussing on a recent episode of the Aposotlic Perspectives podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network:

“We make space for transgender brothers and sisters … do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk … We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure … We foster a queer‐affirming network.” Their words, not mine!

Black lives matter to me, but this love and respect doesn’t allow me to partner with an organization that stands in direct opposition to my Christian beliefs and values.

You will be shocked to discover not only the beliefs of its leaders but also their agenda to “disrupt and dismantle” many of our traditional Christian values.

It is appalling to me that many have been swept up by a self-proclaimed Marxist organization without even the slightest investigation.

What has happened? It is my firm belief that this organization has stolen control of the narrative using the legitimate pain of many of our Black brothers and sisters, and instead offered a bad alternative to true healing.

For more on this vital topic, listen to the entire Apostolic Perspective podcast episode here. {eoa}

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