Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

How You Can Reawaken Wonder That Leads to Worship

This summer, the weather in Colorado has been beautiful, with bright, sunny days with blue skies until the late afternoon, when thunderstorms roll in over the mountains. Some of the storms have been spectacular—complete with lightning, crashes of thunder and hail the size of golf balls.

After each storm passes and the skies clear, the sunsets seem more brilliant than ever as they set over the mountains.

As I’ve enjoyed watching God paint masterpieces over our mountains every evening, it’s reawakened wonder in me. And honestly, when I’m caught up in the majesty of God’s glory, I entertain far fewer worries. Instead, I am able to soak in the beauty of His presence.

David, the writer of Psalm 19, had similar thoughts. Before David took the throne, most of his days were uncertain and often fraught with danger. Yet, he created the space to reawaken wonder in his heart.

I wonder if David was lying on his back in a field gazing at the heavens when he wrote Psalm 19. Staring up at the night sky, he penned these words, “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night declares knowledge” (Ps. 19:1-2).

I love the reminder from David, that the heavens speak to us of God’s character.

During this pandemic, it’s easy to get caught up in the news. Information seems to be changing daily. It’s easy to worry about the future and all the many questions:

Will school start? Is my job secure? Will the vaccine really be safe? Will churches be able to go back to full-scale ministry?

So many questions and very few answers. We fear what we cannot control.

Here’s the thing: Worry can be cyclical. One worry often leads to another and can spin our minds into an anxious frenzy. What can you do to stop the cycle? You can make a conscious effort to reawaken your wonder. Why? Because wonder is our invitation to worship!

How do we reawaken wonder that leads to worship?

Let creation remind you of God’s sovereign control. Take a few quiet moments and look at the sky. Savor the sunset. Last year while we were enjoying a few quiet weeks in Naples, Florida, we walked to the beach to see the sunset. People were scattered on the beach drinking wine and eating snacks. But everyone’s gaze was fixed on the setting sun. As the sun set on the horizon, there was a glorious splash of bright light, and people literally broke into applause! It was as if they were cheering for God and the magnificence of the glorious show He was displaying! It was a beautiful reminder to me of the words of David, “The heavens declare the glory of God” (Ps. 19:1a). But the gorgeous sunset was also a poignant reminder of God’s sovereign control. He is the one who orders creation, and all of creation must bow to Him.

Let creation remind you that God is the master artist. In another psalm, David wrote, “You brought my inner parts into being; You wove me in my mother’s womb. I will praise you, for You made me with fear and wonder; marvelous are Your works, and You know me completely” (Ps. 139:13-14). This past April, our daughter gave birth to identical twin boys. I’ve had many moments to simply study their little faces, put my finger in their tiny hands and watch how they mimic each other’s movements. Honestly, it’s amazing! They will often be in the exact same position as the other. As I’ve cuddled them and soothed them and simply enjoyed them, it has stirred up new wonder and worship in my heart. God’s imagination is so vastly intricate and these little twin boys reflect the glory of His creative genius. Let the beauty of His creation stir in you renewed wonder and worship.

Let creation remind you that God sees you and He has not forgotten you. During challenging seasons it’s easy to question, “Has God forgotten me?” No. He sees. He knows. He hears.

David writes, “For there is not a word on my tongue, but behold, O Lord, You know it fully. You put Yourself behind and before me, and keep Your hand on me. … Where shall I go from Your spirit, or where shall I flee from Your presence” (Ps. 139:4-5, 7). The prophet Isaiah, wrote, “I have formed you; you are My servant; O Israel, you shall not be forgotten by Me” (Isa. 44:21b).

Friend, He has not and will not forget you. This week, when worry begins to pummel your mind, stop the cycle by going for a worship walk. Let the beauty of creation wake up the wonder in your heart and let that wonder lead you to worship!

Lord Jesus, in the moments that fear terrorizes my mind, help me to remember that You are the God of all creation. You have not given up your sovereignty, and You have not abandoned Your throne. All of creation speaks of Your glory. Holy Spirit, reawaken wonder in my heart today and let that wonder lead me to worship! I exalt You, Lord God Almighty! {eoa}

The vision of Becky Harling Ministries is to awaken hope in the hearts of women by teaching them to encounter the living God through the Bible, embrace their identity in Jesus Christ and experience the presence of the Holy Spirit through praise and worship. Connect with Becky at

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