Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Prophet: Help Build a Firewall Prayer Shield for America

As in the days of Nehemiah, a trumpet would be sounded and the people would rally to a united cause. My friend, Patricia King, is releasing an alert for crisis intervention through intercession. I am asking God Encounters Ministries to join me in standing in the gap for such a time as this.

Please read the following article, watch the video and prayerfully consider signing up for the hour that changes the world at Consider partnering with me at the 9:00 a.m. watch.

Remember, in Jesus, we make a great team.

Critical Days Require Critical Measures With Patricia King

On June 27, 2020, I woke very early to an alert in the spirit. I arose to pray and inquire of the Lord, and He made it clear that the Church must rise to pray in this hour, as there are internal vulnerabilities within the USA that are producing dangerous, external vulnerabilities. He told me to build a Firewall Prayer Shield with layers of intercession to protect and align the USA in this critical hour and to call forth the nation’s full destiny.

In less than one week from that morning, the Firewall USA was launched with now thousands of participants.

God Responds to Four Redemptive Positions

This is not a time of ease but a time to arise and take our place on the wall. There are agendas of both man and evil spirits that are attempting to bring havoc and demonic control.

God is redemptive and promises to respond to the four positions outlined in 2 Chronicles 7:14: humility, prayer, seek His face and repent. He will then hear from heaven, forgive and heal the land.

A True Turnaround Is Needed

Prophetic words, visions and dreams have been shared recently about destruction and harm coming to the nation. Many ask, “Are these words, visions and dreams from God?” Each word, of course, must be judged and tested. But one thing is for sure, we have a kind and merciful, God. He will turn things around when we take our place as watchmen on the walls.

In many ways, we do not need a prophetic word to see the reality of the dangers that are lurking in the nation. A turnaround is truly needed, and a turnaround is fully possible.

The Choice Before Us

I believe the days ahead could be some of the most glorious days in the Lord. We could experience a full-on revival, awakening and reformation if we posture ourselves appropriately before the Lord.

There is a pivotal choice before us: continued havoc or God’s glorious intervention. God is waiting for us to take our place. He has already given us the keys of the kingdom of the power of agreeing in prayer.

Let’s Take Action

Let’s rise to the occasion and humble ourselves and pray. Let’s act without hesitation and storm heaven. There are many powerful and anointed prayer initiatives that have been birthed in this season by credible and seasoned ministries; join them! Take action. Unwavering faith that works through love truly brings God’s results!

We are called to be ambassadors of faith, not fear; hope, not hopelessness; love, not hate. Let’s arise together, united in purpose and partner together for the turnaround.

You can join the 24/7 prayer movement now and help build the firewall!

Join the Firewall for the United States of America. Go to to sign up. {eoa}

Dr. James W. Goll is the founder of God Encounters Ministries. He is an international bestselling author, a certified Life Language Coach, an adviser to leaders and ministries and a recording artist. James has traveled around the world, ministering in more than 50 nations, sharing the love of Jesus, imparting the power of intercession, prophetic ministry and life in the Spirit. He has recorded numerous classes with corresponding curriculum kits and is the author of more than 50 books, including The Seer, The Prophet, The Discerner, The Lost Art of Intercession and Praying with God’s Heart. James is also the founder of GOLL Ideation LLC, where creativity, consulting and leadership training come together.

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