Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophetic Vision: Civil War Looms Imminent for America

In this dark, confusing time we see God is drawing a clear line in the sand about current national and world events. Pandemics, riots, wars, constant political drama, church buildings being shut down and even Christians turning on each other from the division show up on all these national and world events.

How are we supposed to move forward when times look so dark? How do we encourage our families, friends and churches when we ourselves are uncertain about the future?

God reveals Himself through dreams and visions so we can be clearly guided on how we navigate in this world that we live in.

Are we in the end times? Are we about to enter into a second civil war in the United States? Is the pandemic going to increase? Is Trump going to be elected president again?

In this podcast, I share some very serious dreams and visions that God has given me about the coming civil war in the United States and how we walk through these difficult times together and in victory. Don’t be handed over to the spirit of fear and division. Victory can be ours even when things look the darkest and there seems to be no way out.

That’s one of the most amazing things about our loving God. I hope that this message blesses you and inspires you to be the change we most desperately need in the American church. {eoa}

Derrick Gates is an itinerant and conference speaker, author and an American film maker. Derrick is the founder of 412 Revival Network with hubs in Los Angeles, California, Nashville, Tennessee, Kansas City, Missouri and the Rio Grande Valley, Texas. Derrick is submitted to apostle/prophet Jennifer LeClaire. Derrick is a common contributor to Charisma, God TV, Elijah List, Spirit Fuel and many other media outlets. Derrick had a radical encounter with Jesus in an outer body deathbed experience. He traded the life of major drug dealing, weapons trafficking and other various violent endeavors for a life of powerful demonstrations of the glory of God. You may contact Derrick at

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