Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Spirit-Filled Psychologist: Letters of Love to My Daughter

While my daughter was going through college, I wrote her letters each day for guidance, encouragement and connection. These letters, of course, came straight from the heart. They display the love of a father for a child.

Unbeknownst to me, she shared these letters with some of her classmates. She found the words of a loving father helped them feel encouragement and love as well.

Therefore, with my daughter’s permission, I am sharing these words of love, encouragement and guidance with you so that you too may be affected. Take them as words meant for you, because you are a child of God who is worthy of praise, love and encouragement. So, read over these two letters and apply them to your own situation.

Letter No. 1

My Daughter,

He has risen. He has risen to give you a great day. He wants to talk and listen to you. He wants to fellowship with you.

The word “fellowship” is a unique word in our Christian culture. It can mean anything from some powerfully intimate worship time with God privately or a more public time among thousands. It can also mean people we eat fried chicken with.

It’s been a month. Whom do you fellowship with? Is God getting some quality time? I hope so. He is so worthy! How about your friends? Who do you fellowship with, eat with, spend time with and why?

Fellowship is a very important choice you make over your entire life. Who you give your heart to can make really big changes in your life for the better or for worse. So I’m praying you think about this seriously. Are you choosing them, or are they choosing you?

I want you to have the most awesome time during college. Whom you fellowship with will be a factor in who you become as a young adult. You have a gift of wisdom. This Sunday, just take a moment and really think about who you fellowship with and why. You’re an amazing woman of God and I love you.


Letter No. 2:

My Daughter,

I am sitting on the front porch enjoying our magnificent view, feeling the cool fall air as I write this to you. This made me think of how blessed we are here in Colorado to enjoy all four seasons of the year. I enjoy the cool in the fall, snow in the winter, freshness in spring and the warmth in summer. Each season brings something different to our lives. Friendships have seasons as well. You’re old enough to have experienced this. Your best friend in elementary school is mostly a memory.

The girls you were close to in junior high are also a memory. Even many of the people you thought were lifelong friends, their season has passed. Friendships have seasons, and accepting this is accepting reality. Enjoy your friends in college, the late nights, the bizarre conversations and the junk food. Let go of those past seasons, and enjoy the season you’re in.

However, don’t make life decisions based on current friends or pressure from your peers. They may not be in your life in the future but the consequences or the feelings from these decisions will be. You are a constant in your life, God is a constant and your family is a constant. Everything and everyone else is just a season. Enjoy them, but know each season will pass.

Love you with all of my heart.


I’m glad you took the time to read these loving words from a father to his child. They are filled with the love and wisdom I wish to pass on to my children. I hope you have found comfort in these words and are able to apply them to your own life because you are worthy of love and praise as a child of the Most High God.

Use these words to hear God’s voice, draw closer to Him and see yourself as the incredible child of God you are. {eoa}

Doug Weiss, Ph.D., is a nationally known author, speaker and licensed psychologist. He is the executive director of Heart to Heart Counseling Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and the author of several books including, Letters to my Daughter.You may contact Dr. Weiss via his website, or on hisFacebook, by phone at 719-278-3708 or through email at [email protected].

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