Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Vision America Founder: If ACLU Is to Succeed, ‘Good Men Will Have to Be Destroyed’

“If the ACLU and its allies are going to succeed, then good men have to be destroyed.”

So says pastor and founder of Vision America Rick Scarborough, host of the Mixing Church and State God’s Way podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. He has studied the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and its activities through the years and is convinced, he says, that “The American Civil Liberties Union is an anti-American organization, carrying out the evil intent of its communist founder, Roger Baldwin. The fact that so few people in the U.S. are familiar with this evil man is a testament to the power of the left, especially those in the media to suppress the truth from the people of our nation about this organization.

“Thankfully, their veneer of respectability is being peeled away by men like Alan Sears and Craig Osten, who through their book, The ACLU vs. America, set forth the truth about the ACLU and expose what they believe,” Scarborough says, adding, “I hope to awaken a few more people to the intent of this diabolical league of lawyers and their accessories to the courts. Few organizations on earth, including terrorist organizations overseas, pose a greater threat to American ideals than the ACLU.”

Scarborough also points out that “for more than 200 years, this nation’s leaders made no apology for the acknowledgement of God. Undeterred, the [11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals] cited the abridgement of the separation clause” in its judgment against Judge Roy Moore and the public display of the Ten Commandments.

However, “Judge Moore … was and is a personal friend. Many of you know his name has been synonymous with accusations made while he was running for the U.S. Senate— salacious accusations—but I’ve known this man up close and personal,” Scarborough says. “I’ve seen the depth of his personal devotion to Christ, his incredible knowledge of God’s Word. I don’t know of any other adult who can quote such lengthy passages of Scripture and history, because of his great mind.

“But he serves as an example of what the left will do to anyone who on behalf of Jesus Christ takes a bold and public stand,” Scarborough says. “We are living increasingly in the age of lawlessness. And if the ACLU and their allies are going to succeed, then good men have to be destroyed.”

To learn more about the dangers of the ACLU and what concerned Christians can do in response, listen to the entire podcast here. {eoa}

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