Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How a Demon Can Infiltrate Your Anointed Home

Demonic spirits have unseen gateways and entry points.

What do faith and fear have in common? Usually, neither can be seen. We engage in unseen spiritual warfare. We can’t always see a person’s faith, just as we can’t always see their demons. Many things are happening in the spiritual realm that we don’t understand or see, but we also have the Holy Spirit on the inside, giving us perception or knowledge of what is going on in the realms of spiritual warfare.

How can a demon enter and infiltrate a Christian’s home that is anointed, has praise music being released and prayers being spoken out and decreed into the spiritual atmosphere? Have you done a spiritual housecleaning but are now feeling something spiritually off in your home? (See my book, Spiritual House Cleaning). Demonic infiltration can happen in a variety of ways and for several reasons. The important thing is to get out all the demonic influencers in your home.

Identifying Infiltration:

—Objects: Were you given an object as a gift, but have since ended the relationship with a person? This object can now be used as a point of contact. The person could remember giving it to you and be using it to curse you via a cursed object in your home. It is always wise as relationships cease to do an inventory through your home on what you should keep and what needs to be removed. Anoint the object and throw it in the trash outside or pass it through the fire.

—Heirlooms: Go back over items given to you from your parents or grandparents. Discern and pray over each item. Generational curses can gain a legal right from objects in your possession that are heirlooms from your generational line. If you are attempting to seek deliverance from generational curses and can’t expose them, try discerning what items you need to remove from your home.

—Clothing: Clothing is often made in another country or could have been a gift from a friend who you are no longer friends with. Explore if you feel any dark areas of your home. How do you feel when you touch that object? I was recently discerning whether or not I had to get rid of a shirt. One day my husband said, “Our closet feels dark.” I took out the shirt and said, “Discern it.” He instantly replied, “Yuck, get rid of it and get it out of our house immediately.” It was a shirt an ex-team member gave me. The relationship ended in silence, but I’ve always had a different feeling about who this person truly was.

Our home can be spiritually clean, but then word curses, people visiting, objects deposited or given as gifts and disputes in relationships can put things forth in the spiritual atmosphere to make our once anointed home now penetrated with demons. It doesn’t always make sense, but it doesn’t have to make sense. The Lord didn’t make sense either when He made a donkey talk or a blind man wash in water in order to gain sight.

What I do know is that the spiritual realm is real, demons do infiltrate and we need to do our job to evict them. Therefore, do a spiritual assessment and inventory and pray through your home to close any doors, entryways and accesses to the demonic realm. {eoa}

Kathy DeGraw is a prophetic deliverance minister releasing the love and power of God to ignite and activate people, release prophetic destinies and deliver people from the bondage of the enemy. She is the founder of Kathy DeGraw Ministries and K Advancement LLC. Kathy hosts a weekly podcast show called Prophetic Spiritual Warfare on the Charisma Podcast Network. She, additionally, has several online empowerment courses at She is the author of several books, including: Speak Out, Discerning and Destroying the Works of Satan, Unshackled and Warfare Declarations. You can connect with Kathy on Facebook or visit

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