Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prepare for Holy Spirit’s New Global Outpouring

(Editor’s Note: This is part 1 of a two-part article. Watch for part 2, coming soon!)

The Joel 2:28 outpouring that began on the day of Pentecost nearly 2000 years ago continues throughout the world today, but we are still waiting to see what it looks like when it will reach “all flesh.” It will be an outpouring greater than we can imagine—more like Niagara Falls than a rainstorm. We can foresee that this move is going to require “all hands on deck”!

A friend once told me about an acquaintance of hers who left a church where the Holy Spirit was moving to go back to a denominational church because it was “predictable.” Many have left their stations in the work of God as a result of saying no to the Holy Spirit: “I’ll go this far, but no further.” These have gone out to live and/or minister at that level and below.

As we talked, I felt that some of these who have been set aside to wander for “40 years in the wilderness” with leanness in their souls will be drawn back in. All these who have been sidetracked by their own lusts and rendered ineffective by the accuser of the brethren will return, repentant, to bring in the great harvest now at hand. They have already been trained in the things of God and are captives of darkness to the degree of their compromise. We are on the verge of their rescue and restoration.

While we were discussing these issues, I suddenly saw a picture in my spirit of a huge, atomic mushroom cloud. You may know that people at ground zero in Hiroshima and Nagasaki were instantly vaporized or incinerated, and all that remained of some of them was their shadow, etched in the walls of the nearby buildings. As I saw the mushroom cloud, the Lord began to pour the following message into me:

We are at ground zero of an “atomic” explosion of God’s mighty, heretofore unseen power. All the known and expected of God’s power, including all the miracles of the Bible (the parting of the Red Sea, the sun standing still in the Valley of Aijalon, the creative miracles of the Gospels and the book of Acts) will be like the commonly known atoms before they are split to release the energy of the atomic bomb. When that explosion takes place, everything at ground zero, everything “normal” will be vaporized, and a pillar of the expected/known/biblical miracles will billow and shoot upward. But then a splitting of those known miracles will occur, releasing the unknown power of God to form the top of the mushroom cloud, billowing out above the pillar of the known, to reach far beyond the known into the reaches of the domain seen by Ezekiel, Daniel and John the Revelator—into that which Paul described as “unlawful [impossible] to be uttered” (2 Cor. 12:2-4).

Those who will cling only to the “normal/predictable” will be vaporized and disappear from the scene. Those who will lay aside their need to control and will yield to God will reach into this explosion of God’s glory and be catapulted into miracle ministry. And those who will be willing to let God shatter and smash their preconceived understanding of God will be changed into the image of the resurrected Christ. They will receive their glorified bodies with their anatomical structure rearranged at the atomic/molecular level—restoring the power of God to each atom. They will come and go like the wind and pass through walls like Jesus in His glorified body. These will be used in the power and demonstration of God’s unknown power to be vessels of miracles heretofore unknown.

This power goes beyond reason. This place is for those who will go beyond the fear of death and die that they might live—those who will submit to the grace of God to pass through total weakness and dependency upon God to allow the strength of God to be perfected/fulfilled within.

The day Jesus forgave and healed the man who was let down through the roof, the people said, “We have seen strange things today” (Luke 5:26b, KJV). The Greek word for “strange things” is paradoxos (Strong’s #3861). It means “beyond expectation/opinion. Something beyond one’s expectation, a miracle. In Luke 5:26, it was used to express new things, miracles not hitherto seen, and thus beside and beyond all opinion and expectation of men.”

Get ready to go beyond human expectation!

For more teaching on the great global outpouring, click here to listen to the entire podcast. {eoa}

Sharon Buss, president of End-Time Handmaidens Inc., has served at the headquarters in Engeltal since 1977, where she has been mentored and trained by the late Dr. Gwen Shaw, founder of the End-Time Handmaidens, for “such a time as this.” Her vision for revival in the nations and bringing in the final end-time harvest should encourage us all to be equipped, prepared and ready to “just obey God.”

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