Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

How God’s Genesis Creation Connects With Your New-Creation Life

Scripture teaches us that believers are new creations in Christ and that in Christ “all things have become new” (2 Cor. 5:17). And what God did in Genesis 1 at the first (old) creation, author and spiritual adviser Brian Orme believes, has startling parallels in the New Testament’s new creation.

As believers, we are “kainos, something the earth has not beheld before” Orme says on a recent episode of his Prophetic Company podcast on the Christian Podcast Network. “We’re the only part of creation that is new. And so if we go back to the beginning, “in the beginning,” you’ve got the Father there, Jesus, Holy Spirit. Wisdom is there, we read in the book of Proverbs. As the master craftsman, the architect, and the Holy Spirit is “hovering” over the water, Gen. 1:2, which means ‘to brood,’ or vibrate actually.”

Orme points out something fascinating. “Think of it this way your body is primarily water. Your body is primarily a body of water, and then the Holy Spirit’s not just in you; He’s upon you, so He’s upon this body of water. And then it says in the Old Testament that the Father sings over us [Zeph. 3:17],” he says. “So He’s singing over us, a body of water that the Holy Spirit is upon. And we are children of light. We’re called children of light. When a kingdom of light, we’re called to be the light of the world.

“So you can see all old creation is very similar to new creation. The Father’s declaring, ‘Let there be light,’ Jesus is being revealed; the Holy Spirit is upon the waters. And now new creation: We’re primarily a body of water,” Orme says. “The Holy Spirit is on us. He is singing over us. We are be the light of the world. We are a new creation; we are the only part of creation that is new. We are the only part of the cosmos that are new. So all of the whole creation is groaning, Romans 8, “that we would be made manifest,” that we would know who we are. That would grow up into the head, Jesus, and function with the purpose and grace that were given to us before time began.”

To explore more of Brian Orme’s teaching on the parallels between old and new creation, listen to the entire podcast at this link.

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