Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Why I Told BBC That America Needs an Outpouring of the Holy Spirit

The death of George Floyd has focused attention on police brutality and has brought tension between races to the forefront as never before. But the far Left has also used this to foment unrest as never before. We must separate the legitimate demand for police reform from the anarchists and looters who are exploiting this tragedy.

Last week I got an interview request from the BBC, who wanted a Christian perspective on what’s happening and also to comment on Donald Trump holding up his Bible. They probably didn’t know I’d use it as an opportunity to call for prayer and revival!

I told the BBC interviewers that no sane American approves of George Floyd’s murder. But unfortunately, there are forces at play to stir up unrest and also to undermine our president. I said as a Christian, I have no problem with President Trump holding up a Bible as a photo op, and I wish other officials would do the same. I also said our country needs revival, and many are praying for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit! (I had been told the interview would be 3 minutes, but it went for 6. But after I mentioned the Holy Spirit, the interviewer ended the segment.) You can watch it here.

For many years, I’ve been doing what I can to help bring racial reconciliation, especially among Christians and other Americans. We have covered this subject many times in Charisma. I have gotten involved in various ways, including trying to bring calm after the death in 2012 of Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida, 2 1/2 miles from our office. I believe the Christian community who got involved after that tragedy helped restore calm, even though outside agitators said they would burn down Sanford. I even produced a low-budget documentary called Sanford: The Untold Story, because the story of the church’s involvement in racial reconciliation is rarely told.

I just recorded a podcast expressing these views in which I called attention to my interview last week with Ken Joseph Jr., who reported firsthand that outsiders such as antifa were stirring up trouble, especially in front of the White House. He actually did the interview from his cell phone and reported what he saw! If you missed it, you can listen here.

I believe that ultimately justice will be served in the death of George Floyd. I believe we will see needed police reform, such as barring chokeholds during arrests. I also believe many Americans will not buy into the leftist narrative and will see what’s really happening in our nation: how people who hate our nation and way of life want to gain power by stirring up unrest.

Pray for President Trump as he navigates this minefield. I alluded to this in the BBC interview, but I foresee a backlash in favor of Trump in the election in November. But with all the unrest, nothing is certain.

Our nation is at a turning point, so this election is even more important. That’s the message of my new book, God, Trump and the 2020 Election, as well as its sequel, God, Trump and COVID-19. You can buy them wherever books are sold or get signed copies on my own website,

If you agree with me, listen to my podcast and share this with friends and family. {eoa}

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