Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Curt Landry: Fear and Panic Will Worsen Unless We Turn to Jesus

The COVID-19 pandemic and the violent protests throughout the country over the senseless killing of George Floyd has brought a great deal of fear and panic to America in 2020.

The founder of Curt Landry Ministries says that if Americans don’t turn to Jesus and learn how to manage that fear, it’s only going to get worse as time goes on.

“I was born in Los Angeles and I lived through the Watts riots, so I understand the fear and the anxiety that comes when something is brought to light,” Curt Landry told Dr. Steve Greene on a recent episode of Greenelines on the Charisma Podcast Network. “What happened with George Floyd was just absolutely wrong. But it is a symptom of something much deeper, because there are a lot of George Floyds out there that happen that aren’t so publicized. This problem is something that’s been attached to our culture for a long time.

“So what’s happened is that the Lord, between the pandemic and these protests and riots, is shaking this country and saying ‘I want to clean some things up.’ But you can’t clean things up unless you find things to unify over. So I’m frustrated with the fact that we didn’t listen. We need to begin to agree on these: left and right, believing and non-believing. Hopefully, all of us can agree that what happened with this officer was absolutely wrong. We have to come to a place of unification and agree on that.

“What is going to happen in the next 90 days is the fear in our community is going to come from the cancel culture. Jesus said in Matthew that if you have a problem with your brother, then go to him and talk to him about it. We shouldn’t go to Facebook or Twitter and battle our personal emotions there. On all levels, if you’re going to walk in truth, you’ve got to face your own lies. …

“For believers, I think what the future holds is that the Lord is wanting us to claim our inheritance in Him. The Lord is wanting us to be more kingdom-minded, operating in faith. And He is teaching us not to fear. The Lord has not given us a spirit of fear. I think people also have to wake up to the fact that Satan doesn’t want to just hurt you, he’s trying to destroy you. God sent Jesus because he absolutely wants to bless us and to empower us. People really need to be sober about all of this.”

For more from Curt Landry on the immediate future of the country, listen to the entire podcast.

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