Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘I Want to Bring My Healing Touch to Black America’

In 32 years of ministry, I can’t think of one time I shared a word from God in the first person on a national level. But as my wife and I were driving from Tel Aviv to Ashkelon today, I began to pray, and I started to sense that God was speaking.

He started by telling me, “People think you are sharing your political opinion (in a few Facebook posts I posted), I want you to prophesy so they can hear my heart.” And then He began to speak to me about His heart.

I immediately wrote it down as soon as arrived at our destination. There are things written below that I had never even thought of until He spoke them.

New Testament prophecy is always partial (1 Cor. 13:9) and filtered through our personhood, and to be judged by others, but not to be despised. (1 Thess. 5:20-21). My words are the ones not in quotes.

I humbly submit this to the body in the fear of the Lord:

The Spirit of Lord says: “Do not process what is happening in America in a political way. If you do, you will choose a side, right or left, but I am seated in heavenly places, not on the political right or the political left, but in heaven above.

“Since, then, you have been raised with Messiah, set your hearts on things above, where Messiah is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Messiah in God.” (Col. 3:1-3, TLV, author’s emphasis).

“‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways” (Isa. 55:8).

“You will say, ‘but this’ and ‘but that,’ but I am looking for your obedience. What does My Word say regarding the poor, hurting and broken? Does it say to choose a political side, or to reach out to them? Reaching out in My love is not a right-wing or left-wing solution, but an upward resolution that will release My grace and power.

“The key to the revival that you in the ‘white church” seek is the white church invading the black community with My love, healing power and practical help—such as mentoring, tutoring—I am calling you to share your lives with them.

“I will deal with the looters and criminals through the criminal justice system, yet even they have a purpose, just as I used Assyria to judge Israel (Isa. 10:5-6). In the end, I judged Assyria for her actions.

“But I want you to look deeper and bring My healing touch to black America. There is no other answer. Hear my voice: ‘There is no other answer!’ Will you be My body? Will you be My hands? My heart breaks for them; does yours?

“Why did I use the symbol of the Kansas City Chiefs to prophesy a coming revival? Because chiefs are native Americans, an oppressed community. Broken and in need.

(Some asked, “How long do [Native Americans] hold a grudge? How many years have passed since slavery was legal?” The answer is simple—until there is healing.)

“If you want revival, then you will have to leave your neighborhoods and gated communities. You will need to share your riches and experience with a people not your own. Are you willing? What is your life to you? You were bought with a price (1 Cor. 6:20).

“What was the cry of the Hebrew prophets? Look at their hearts. When they entered the political arena, it was to release My Word and speak against injustice. They cried out on behalf of the broken, the orphaned, the fatherless and the widow.

“‘Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?'” (Isa. 58:6).

(The woman caught in adultery, the Good Samaritan, all the untouchables that Yeshua touched from beggars to lepers to prostitutes.)

“You want me to remove the agitators so you can continue in comfort. Hear me, ‘I have not called you to a life of comfort, but comforting others—and in that you will find true comfort.’ The agitators are My servants, sent to wake you up to the need. If you respond to the need, I will deal with the agitators and send winds of refreshing—the ones you have longed for.

“No, this is not the revival ‘package’ you were looking for, but it is the one I am sending. I need you to be Me to them, not to make excuses why they deserve what they are getting.

“Will you rise up? Rise up to that heavenly calling where Yeshua weeps and intercedes (Rom. 8:34) for all who are in need. Will you call them to Me, to salvation and freedom?

“Where are My leaders? Where are My activists, where are My holy agitators, anti-looters, who give and don’t take, who love and don’t hate? I can’t do it without you (Rom. 10:14) I do not have a plan B. You are My representatives on earth until I come. Rise up people of God and do not miss this moment. Who will answer the call to love these people?

“You fight for biblical values, but I am calling you to live them out. For all your fighting what has it gotten you? You are losing ground daily. Why? Because you have the cart before the horse.

“Is the New Covenant commission to fight for biblical values in the public square? Or to preach the message of the gospel that changes lives. ‘Therefore, if anyone is in Messiah, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!’ (1 Cor. 5:17)

“Did Paul my servant preach biblical values to the lost?

“For I will not dare to speak of anything except what Messiah accomplished through me, to bring about the obedience of the Gentiles by word and deed, in the power of signs and wonders, in the power of the Spirit of God. So from Jerusalem and around even to Illyricum, I have fully proclaimed the Good News of Messiah. In this way I make it my aim to proclaim the Good News not where Messiah was already named, lest I build on another person’s foundation” (Rom. 15:18-20).

“His message was Jesus! Preaching biblical values to unbelievers is like driving a car without oil. It will not work. (And has not worked.)

“‘Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is’ not preaching biblical values to the lost, but ‘this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world ‘ (James 1:27b, NIV).

“However, the oil is the power of the My Spirit. When you preach the gospel in both power and love, in word and deed, when you truly represent my heart to a broken world, then you will see fruit. And then, they will gladly embrace My values.”

I felt there was more to say, but I do yet have the faith to prophesy it.

I have a friend in the U.S. He and his wife are very successful with three grown children. About 8 years ago, they took in an African American preteen. At first it was just visits for mentoring, but then after the death of her mother and then her caretaker, and being left in a completely dysfunctional environment, they adopted her. She is now about to graduate high school from a private school, and she knows Jesus. Without them, I can’t even imagine where she would be today!

No, not everyone has this type of grace, but it is an example of how actions of love speak louder than words. We can’t miss this moment. {eoa}

Ron Cantor is the CEO of Tikkun International, a Messianic family of leaders and ministries dedicated to the restoration of Israel and the church. Ron is considered an authority on the Jewishness of the New Testament and has written several books. He also writes frequently on leadership topics and has just released Follow His Lead, his newest book. You can get a free copy of his encouraging e-book, The Coming End-Time Revival, at Ron lives with his wife, Elana, in Tel Aviv, Israel.

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