Sat. Oct 5th, 2024

Why President Trump Is the Leader We Need Right Now

When I finished writing my previous book, God, Trump and the 2020 Election, in October 2019, there was no way of knowing that a pandemic was coming. COVID-19 had not yet been discovered. And no one anticipated the global crisis that was poised to strike.

That book documents how, during his presidency, Donald Trump stood up to the radical Left, supported traditional values such as life for the unborn and in many ways exposed the evil by the entrenched bureaucracy we now call the Deep State. The Democrats and their allies in the press also opposed him at every turn, including the two-year Mueller investigation, which showed no wrongdoing and even tried to impeach him.

Meanwhile the economy was booming, and the president was making America great again by actually keeping his promises to strengthen the economy, cut onerous regulations that stifle business and look out for the little guy. Now because of a virtual shutdown of the country due to the novel coronavirus, which causes COVID-19, everything has changed.

But one thing that hasn’t changed is Donald Trump is a leader, and at this point in American history we need a real leader who can get private enterprise and government—and even the Democrats—to work together to take us through this crisis and find a vaccine for this deadly virus. Remember how feckless Jimmy Carter was with the Iran hostage situation, and even the way George W. Bush didn’t seem to know how to crush al Qaeda after 9/11.

In contrast, Trump quickly closed travel from China and later from Europe even though liberals accused him of overreacting and being xenophobic. In fact, both Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden publicly said they would have left the borders open. Others went so far as to label the president as “racist” once again for singling out China. The mainstream media, in sound bite after sound bite, mocked his decision to be cautious, labeling it as an “extreme measure.” But before long most countries were closing their borders, and the president’s decisions not only proved right but may have been a determining factor as to why the United States did not see the kind of numbers of those infected with COVID-19 the original models were projecting.

God, Trump and the 2020 Election contained an entire chapter on “Promises Made, Promises Kept.” Here are a few of Trump’s major accomplishments, many of which were detailed in that chapter, for which all Americans should be incredibly thankful:

—Securing the borders and ports of entry.

—Being proactive in taking key precautions in the early stages of the COVID-19 outbreak despite criticism from the Left.

—Diversifying our supply chain and emphasizing to U.S. companies the need to look to countries other than just China to fulfill our manufacturing needs.

—Renegotiating trade deals to level set and protect U.S. financial interests.

—Deregulating key segments of the U.S. manufacturing and farming sectors.

If the president had not proactively done each of these things, we would be in a much worse situation than we are right now from both a health and an economic standpoint. The biased media rarely reports any of this.

Time will tell how all this plays out. The prophets have said America will bounce back more quickly than the naysayers predict. But we can be sure of three things: The pandemic is less extensive, the response is stronger, and we will get back to normal faster because we have a real leader in the White House.

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