Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

Prophetic Word: The Lord Says, ‘This Is Your Finest Hour as My Bride’

Have you been wondering what on earth the Lord is doing in this season?

The Lord says to you today: “I am in control of everything that you see around you right now! Your adversary will try and convince you that he is in control, but you can be assured that the Lord your God never slumbers or sleeps.

“And yes, I am in control!

“My promise is that I will keep you when the storms begin to assail you. Be assured, nothing happens without My sovereign hand being on it.

“From eternity, I have been your God. I had My eye on My people even when you were not yet a people. My eyes are still roaming the earth, and My power and authority have not diminished by one ‘nth’ of a degree. I still rule and reign from on high, and nothing can withstand My power and watchful eye.

“No trouble has overtaken you that I am not fully aware of, My children.

“I hold you in the palm of My hand. Do not fear the terror by night or the arrow that flies at noonday. I keep watch over you day and night! As I instructed Joshua after My servant Moses had died, ‘Only be strong and courageous.’ And so, I tell you in these turbulent times, be strong and courageous!

“I am in control!

“My presence is with you to give you peace, strength and comfort. Never doubt My ‘almighty-ness,’ My sovereignty or My power! Keep your gaze fixed on Me, and I will bring you through these troubled waters—safe, sound and dry,” says the Lord.

“This is your finest hour as My bride.

“I have equipped you to walk out every step that I have purposed for you. Keep your lamps full and burning bright for all the world to see. Arise and shine, for your light and opportunity have come. My glory will be seen on you as never before.

“I have given you My name, My Word, My Blood and the promise that if any two of you agree on earth as touching any one thing, it shall be given to you!

“Therefore: Speak My name; declare My Word; plead My Blood and confess your good confession of faith among many witnesses.

“This is a new day and a new hour. I prophesied and spoke through My servants the prophets that you would see it.

“Don’t expect things to go back to the norm, for I am doing a new thing in your midst that will astound even the hardest of hearts. I am about to put My people on display in a mighty way. Even the world will marvel and say, ‘This is indeed the finger of God!” They will say, ‘How did it happen? How was it wrought?’ And My people will boast in the Lord their God.

“This is the hour when I will put My words in your mouth to declare My glorious gospel from the rooftops.

“Many will see and fear. Many will see and be changed. Yes, there will be many who will be exposed to some of My greatest moves, and yet their hearts will doubt. But My power and My will must be accomplished in this hour,” says the Lord.

“This is not a time to be quiet. It is a time to be vocal, bold and courageous in your faith and in your God.

“Remember that the people who know Me shall be strong and shall do mighty exploits in My name.

“I am looking for those people,” says the Lord!

“The harvest is waiting; your children are waiting; your city is waiting; even the nations are waiting for the awakening of the sons and daughters of God to arise! Darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people, but the Lord will rise with healing in His wings. Look for Me, for the Lion of the tribe of Judah has prevailed, and He is roaring again!

“Hear the call; hear the roar; hear the trumpet call to arms.

“I am sounding the clarion call for this hour! I still reign, and I am still in control! Do not miss your moment to be a part of this last great awakening,” says the Lord of heaven and the Lord of hosts!”

Amen! Do you receive this word? If so, leave a comment below and praise the Lord! {eoa}

Judy Jacobs is internationally known for her declarative worship and powerful message of the gospel. She has ministered personally in over 50 countries and has also ministered through several TV networks such as TBN, TBN Salsa, Inspiration Network, Daystar and through guest appearances with Sid Roth, Marcus and Joni Lamb, Dr. Jason Renville and many others. Pastor Judy serves as the co-pastor of Dwelling Place Church International. She is also the director of the international institute of mentoring and has published five books and eight solo albums. She is married to Pastor Jamie Tuttle, and together they have two daughters, Kaylee and Erica. Sign up for her free “How to Receive Miracles from God” email mini-course at her website,

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