Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Your Divine Secret to Facing COVID-19 Losses

COVID-19 is a season of loss: lost income, lost jobs and, of course, lost family members and friends. So how do we cope both now and in the times to come?

Dr. Sharon Mancha has some wise counsel to share from her personal experience as well as from the Word of God. Just four months ago, she lost her husband of 38 years to a sudden heart attack. But God has shown Himself strong in her life, she says on The Power of Intimacy With Christ podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network.

“He’s so intimate with the believer that when you are in difficult times and in a low moment, He will be there to comfort you. But that only happens when you have an intimate relationship with Him,” she explains.

“The Scripture says that He’s a strong tower, and that the righteous run into Him and they are safe. And I want to say that I have run into God, and I am still in there. I am still nestled … hidden inside the strong tower of God,” Mancha says. “I am finding my safety to carry me through this difficult season … and to find the comfort and the wisdom and the grace of God to take me through this season in my life.

“And as these new seasons happen in the trials that come into our lives and the difficulty and transitions of things like this, we find ourselves really trying to discover the next chapter in our lives,” Mancha says. “You know, where are we going to go from here? What is my future going to look like?

To learn more about how true intimacy with Christ can prepare you to face life’s challenges no matter how they come, listen to this podcast.

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