Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophecy: God Is Knocking on the Door During Your Quarantine

During my morning prayer broadcast, the Lord showed me many people have laid things down in the past season even though they were great ideas—God ideas. Many didn’t steward the innovation well.

Many couldn’t see it through to the end because life caught them up in the rat race, drama caught them up—all kinds of distractions caught them up.

If that’s you, let this prophetic word encourage your heart. I heard the Lord say:

“My Spirit will catch you up in this season if you’ll take the time to spend with Me. You will be in the Spirit like John the Revelator, and I will put forth invitations to your heart and show you things to come. Have I not promised that My Spirit would show you things to come? I will do it in this season if you’ll take a step back—if you’ll change your purview. If you’ll climb a little higher, you’ll see things differently.

“But your vista will not change if you do not change your position. And your position needs to be one of prayer. Your posture needs to be one of worship. Some of you need to get on your face and stop looking at anything around you, but just look at Me. Get on your face, with your nose to the ground, with your eyes shut tight, and just begin to gaze upon My beauty. I will show you things to come.

“This is your invitation. I am knocking on your door. Why don’t you answer Me? Oh, you think that you are waiting for Me to answer you, but I am waiting for you to answer Me. For I am knocking on your door. I am knocking on your door. I am knocking on your door. Will you answer?

“I will come in, and I will sup with you, and I will roll out a new strategy. I will lay out the plan for the next stage of your life, and you will leap out of the quarantine and into the kairos time. But you’ve got to answer the door! {eoa}

Click here to read the rest of this article.

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