Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

How This Pastor Battled in Prayer to Receive ‘Unexpected Miracle’

When Pastor James Levesque’s daughter, Amayah, was still in the womb, doctors told her parents she had a two-thirds chance of being deaf. “Do you want to test?” they asked. Since Levesque and his wife are pro-life, he says, they refused the test.

“I remember the day I dealt with it. I remember the middle of the night when I woke up in terror,” Levesque says on the Engaging Heaven Today podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. “And I knew there was a fight, and it was tears and hours. But I warred over it … and I cut the head of this thing off in prayer. And I knew that that would not touch my family anymore. … It’s all demonic.”

After Amayah was born, Levesque says, “she passed her newborn screening, which was great. … But as she turned 1 year old, and as she got a little older, we realized that she was clearly not hearing well. So last summer … we went and had her tested.”

But Amayah did not do well on the tests, Levesque says. In fact, her hearing scores were low enough that doctors scheduled a first step to trying to restore her hearing. They wanted to put tubes in her ears and remove her adenoids. “That was like stage one,” Levesque says. “And then we had an appointment scheduled for the surgery … before all of this COVID-19 shutdown happened. And as we were driving up, we had to go to Yale. Well, I didn’t have any peace about going to Yale. And we just decided not to do it.

“I remember we were in North Carolina driving. I laid my hands on her head in the car; we prayed; my wife and I made the decision that we weren’t going to take her to the hospital, and we just cursed this thing. Well, fast-forward to lockdown. … We just knew when this thing was over, maybe we would revisit the surgery, just believing God to touch her.”

And then God did what Levesque calls an “unexpected miracle.” To hear the story of how He restored Amayah’s hearing without medical intervention, click here.

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