Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

How to Get Through Each Long Day in Quarantine

Pastor Steven Furtick sayst instead of just worrying about tomorrow and pushing through each day in quarantine, it’s important to realize God is with us and is allowing this time as a gift so we may strengthen our relationship with Him.

“While we’re having to keep physical distance, I believe God is calling us to spiritual depth,” Furtick says. “See, I don’t want to just get through it. I’m tired of just getting through it. What’s the point? Let’s just all go to heaven right now if all we’re going to do is get through it. … When God feels distant, He isn’t. He’s positioning you for a miracle. …

“It’s so important that we don’t get so focused on getting through it, we don’t get what God wants us to get out of it.”

To listen to the entire sermon titled “God Uses Distance,” click here.

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