Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

How to Be Good Stewards for God’s Kingdom

Pastor Shawn Gabie says it’s crucial to not just hear the Word, but apply it to our individual lives so we may carry out the calling God gave us. We can’t stop honing our gifts and talents, even if it means stepping outside of our comfort zones.

“I was driving on the way to a leadership meeting where I was mentoring between 50 and 70 leaders,” Gabie says on the Supernatural Leadership Podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. “It was a mentoring night, and I was driving, and on the way I really felt God speak to me and say these words: ‘Shawn, the roots or the foundation of our faith of our Christian faith is not the Bible.’ And so I thought to myself, Wow, this is kind of outside of my grid. I’ve never heard language like that before. And He kept speaking to me, and He said, ‘Shawn, it’s the Bible applied.’ So you know, it’s not enough just to know a message; we have to apply the message. …

“A lot of us are living as babies still, and yet we’ve been in this sort of same scenario or vocation for like 40 years, but we’ve not grown. We’ve stopped taking the risks, we’ve stopped stepping out, we’ve stopped studying; we’re kind of just coasting. Maybe you’re a piano teacher, and you’ve stopped developing your skills, you’ve stopped practicing your scales, you stopped learning new music. This applies to everybody. God wants us to be the best version of ourselves with the talents and skills that He’s given us. He wants us to be good stewards.”

To listen to the entire podcast titled “The Best Kind of Leadership,” click here.

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