Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Pastor: Why Christians Are Too Fixated on Titles

Too many times, says Pastor Mike Signorelli, people tell him they were born a Christian, Catholic, Baptist or Presbyterian. But in the Bible, Jesus never used the title “Christian.” He only said, “Follow me.” So, Signorelli says, we need to be more focused on defining ourselves by actions than titles.

“Because when the world hears, ‘Oh, you’re a Christian,’ you know what they hear? You’re judgmental. You don’t drink; you don’t smoke,” Signorelli says. “And then people on the outside say, ‘Well, I can’t possibly be a Christian because I can’t follow those rules.’ But they need a reminder that being a Christian isn’t about following the rules.

“Being a Christian is about being dangerous, about being wild, about being on mission. And that’s what you see here in the book of Acts, Chapter 11. They had other people call them a Christian. They didn’t call themselves a Christian. They call themselves a son or a daughter of the King.”

It could be that God allowed the COVID-19 pandemic because He needed you to be pushed into the next season of life that’s better for you than what you had before, Signorelli says on the V1 Church podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network.

“Maybe He didn’t cause a pandemic, but he allowed it because the mediocrity of your former life needed to be abated,” Signorelli says. “The way you used to do things needed to be cut off. Sometimes when we don’t jump out of the nest, thank God that He removes enough of the cotton so that the thorns of the nest hit us on our backside and push us out of mediocrity. So, you never would have quit that job. Maybe He allowed it to be taken away.”

To listen to the entire episode titled “After Easter,” click here.

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