Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Why These Small Words in Scripture Really Matter

Have you ever had one of those conversations in which everything seems to be going along well? But suddenly, the person sneaks in a word such as “but,” “if” or “and.” They are simple but powerful words. These little words have the potential to change the entire course and outcome of a conversation. When ignored, we can miss critical concepts and ideas. When we catch them, they are an invitation to look deeper into what is being said and ensure that we understand the author.

God has impressed the need to slow down and pay attention to these little words as I study Scripture. Those little words are so common that it can be easy to skip right over them and never miss a beat. However, things change when we pay attention to them.

This morning as I was reading Luke 11:36 (NLT), the word “if” jumped out at me and started me on a journey with the Lord:

“If you are filled with light, with no dark corners, then your whole life will be radiant, as though a floodlight were filling you with light.”

That word “if” tells me I need to ensure I am so filled with light that there are no dark or hidden corners for sins, insecurity, fear and such to hide. That word “if” tells me it is possible to live life this way, and “if” I can learn to do that, it will impact not just a portion of my life, but my entire life.

Take a moment and think of a floodlight. If the light doesn’t have any power, the room will remain dark. However, when the light is connected to a power source, and the power is allowed to flow, it floods the room with light and chases away the darkness.

Are you so filled with light and connected to the power source (God) that you flood the room with the light of His presence? Sometimes the key to the switch is found in the little words that we quickly read right over.

Today, slow down and pay attention to the little things!

Listen to my The Real Truth With Ruth podcast here.

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