Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Prophet: ‘When We Come Through This Storm, Lord, You’re Going to Double Everything’

Most of us are familiar with the biblical story of Job. And some of us may feel like Job in these days of the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine. Prophetic minister Matt Sorger says the Lord put this story, especially Job 42, on his heart recently when he was tempted to fear for the future. Verse 12a says, “The Lord blessed the latter days of Job more than his beginning.”

“The Lord turned the captivity, restored all [Job’s] fortunes, and I just think this is a promise,” Sorger says on the Glory Living podcast on the Charisma Podcast Network. “This is a promise to each one of us today. You may be going through stuff, you may be even dealing with some fear, dealing with some anxiety, dealing with some depression, dealing with some stress, dealing with some situations in your life that you’re just like, ‘Lord, is this going to capsize my boat? Well, how is this going to affect my future? When is this going to end?’ … Now, these are very real things that people are feeling.

“While I believe in the supernatural power of God, I’ve had to work through my own process this past two weeks of really realigning my heart and choosing on a daily basis to say, ‘God, You got this; Jesus, You are in the boat with me. And just as You brought the disciples through the storm, and You calmed that storm; just as you bought Job through his trial, and restored double to him, and his latter house was greater than his former, Lord, I believe that when we come through this storm, Lord, You’re going to double everything.'”

Sorger adds, “I believe we’re going to have double gratitude for just being able to give someone a hug. We’re going to have double gratitude for being able to go to church on Sunday morning or on a special service throughout the week; we’re going to have double gratitude for just the normal things of life.”

To hear more encouragement in this episode titled Special Coronavirus Message: What Is God Saying? Part 2, listen here.

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